Thursday TEMS: Duane Patterson, Fr. Paul Check, Glenn Reynolds

Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), we have another great lineup for the news of the day!

  • Duane “Generalissimo” Patterson brings us up to date on the week’s top stories and gives us a preview of tonight’s Hugh Hewitt show.
  • Fr. Paul Check of the Courage Apostolate has a new documentary, Desire of the Everlasting Hills, premiering in Washington today, which deals with same-sex attraction and whether it is changeable. We’ll ask Fr. Check to discuss that documentary in light of the upcoming Synod on the Family and the Catholic Church’s desire to discuss their approach to family and life issues.
  • Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds joins us to discuss his latest video about Reynolds Online University, the solution to the campus sexual-assault crisis. I hope to get Glenn to give us his views on GamerGate too, plus catch up on all of Glenn’s work at PJMedia and USA Today.

The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page. Be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!

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Keep praying that Marizela Perez will be found, and peace brought to her family.


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024