The Ed Morrissey Show will be pre-empted all week as I guest host for Hugh Hewitt on the Salem Radio Network, from Hugh’s studio in Southern California. My main mission this week will be covering the Pittsburgh Steelers’ training camp in anticipation of their march to their seventh Super Bowl title, but we’ll try squeezing in a little current affairs and politics topics as well. We’ve already got a great line-up for today:
- CNN’s Jake Tapper
- NRO’s Eliana Johnson
- CNBC’s Joe Kernan
- Former House Intelligence Chair Pete Hoekstra, now with Heritage Foundation and a senior fellow with the Investigative Project on Terrorism
- Michael LaCivita of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association
- Jim Talent of Heritage Foundation
- Plus more to come!
Be sure to join the Hughniverse to watch the show live on streaming video, or tune in to your local Salem affiliate to hear it in the air, starting at 6 ET!
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