Over the last few days, we looked back on 2013’s top 50 posts by page views, but that just tells us what was popular, intriguing, controversial, and/or outrageous at the moment. What was the most important story of 2013? Over the last two days, readers offered their suggestions, whittled them down to five finalists, and chose their top story of the year. First, let’s look at the runner-up:
- The ObamaCare rollout fiasco – It’s been a daily story since October 1, and it’s showing few signs of improvement. In fact, the White House now claims that they never had a 7 million enrollment goal, despite months of using that metric. This may end up being 2014’s top story.
The top story is:
- Lie of the Year: “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” – This got almost twice as many votes as the runner-up. It might be the biggest presidential lie since “Read my lips,” but one with a lot bigger consequences for Americans.
We also asked readers to choose the most underreported story of the year. That turned out to a much closer poll race. For quite a while, the runner-up — global persecution of Christians — actually led the polling. Later in the day, though, the eventual winner emerged:
- White House lawlessness re ObamaCare – Call it a clean sweep for ObamaCare this year. The media seemed genuinely uninterested in the massive power grab by the White House in delaying enforcement of statutory deadlines set by Congress for their own political purposes. Not even the shifting around of the deadline they refused to delay when Republicans pressured them to do so piqued their journalistic curiosity.
Enjoy New Years Day with family and friends!
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