Today on The Ed Morrissey Show (4 pm ET), Guy Benson is back to discuss the latest in the Syria debate, and maybe even Anthony Weoner’s latest meltdown. We’ll also welcome Joshua Foust, a skeptical voice on the NSA and Edward Snowden stories, as well as on the outrage over American spying. Don’t miss it!
The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page. Be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!
Meanwhile, let’s see what we can do for TEMS veteran Caleb Howe, who has become seriously ill with liver disease. His best friend and debate partner Tommy Christopher says his family needs serious help with the bills:
If our modern times are testing your already-waning faith in humanity, then this small victory might make you feel a little bit better. Former editor Caleb Howe, also a one-time Mediaite guest columnist, is currently hospitalized with what Redstate describes as a “failing liver,” and no health insurance. A fund was established to help Caleb’s family on the website GoFundMe, and has raised $25,000 in two days, partially due to an assist by liberal blog DailyKos. What makes this story great is just how human it has been, and not completely in a good way. From GoFundMe:
This fund is dedicated to helping the family of Caleb Howe. As he lays in the hospital with a failing liver, his children, ages 11 and 14, are heading back to school in a few weeks. It would lift an incredible burden for Caleb & Donna if they could get even the smallest amount of help with these upcoming expenses and with anything extra that comes in, we will help Caleb & Donna with their medical bills as Caleb is uninsured. If you’re not in a position to give, your prayers are always welcome in lieu of a donation. Thank you for your compassion and help.
Full disclosure: Caleb is my best friend in the whole world, which I hope no one holds against him. We first met when both of us were sent to Denver to cover the 2008 Democratic National Convention, and despite having developed a deep hatred of him through his writing, we became instant lifelong friends. He is as talented at making political opponents hate him as I am, if not more so, but is also one of the finest people I’ve ever known, and a witty, intelligent writer, to boot.
Note: There is a 40-second period of silence at the beginning of the show … so it’s not your computer.
Keep praying that Marizela Perez will be found, and peace brought to her family.
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