The headline in the southern Indiana newspaper says it all: “Terrible tragedy.” As of this morning, the death toll is 31, but after watching this video, it’s hard to believe that it will remain that low. As with all stories of natural disasters, there are stories of courage, generosity, and narrow escapes, but not enough of the latter, obviously. The count of tornadoes so far from the storms yesterday is 95, which will set some sort of record — one, hopefully, that will go unchallenged for many, many years to come.
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The Indiana town of Henryville has been almost completely destroyed:
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Obviously, the people in the storm-struck areas need our prayers — and also whatever financial support we can muster. Whether you donate through the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities Disaster Relief, or another charity that will direct your donations to our neighbors, be sure to open your hearts and wallets accordingly.
Update: I mistakenly pasted the same video twice. It’s fixed now.
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