Dershowitz declares war on Media Matters

Media Matters for America took a big hit to its credibility when Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller ran a multiple-installment exposé of the political non-profit, which laid bare the group’s hypocrisy on gun control and, more problematically, their close coordination with the Obama White House.  MMFA has managed to find itself in another bruising political battle, this time with Alan Dershowitz, a man normally inclined to support the Left.  Dershowitz has pledged to personally make Media Matters an issue in the election by actively campaigning against anyone supporting the group:


Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a leading Democratic lawyer who takes a hawkish line on Israel, has declared a personal war on the liberal group Media Matters, which has branched out into sharp criticism of Israel.

“Not only will [the Media Matters controversy] be an election matter, I will personally make it an election matter,” Dershowitz, a professor at Harvard Law School, told WABC’s Aaron Klein today.

Dershowitz has been sharply criticizing Media Matters for weeks, but suggested for the first time today he intends to drive the controversy into the political conversation.

“I don’t know whether President Obama has any idea that Media Matters has turned the corner against Israel in this way,” he said. “I can tell you this, he will know very shortly because I am beginning a serious campaign on this issue and I will not let it drop until and unless [writer and activist MJ] Rosenberg is fired from Media Matters, or Media Matters changes its policy or the White House disassociates itself from Media Matters.”

True to his word, Dershowitz takes his personal battle to the pages of the New York Daily News today, and minces no words:

It’s the kind of virulent hate speech you’d expect to find on a neo-Nazi website or in a Patrick Buchanan column: American Jews who support current Israeli policies are accused of dual loyalty and called “Israel firsters.”

AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) fares even worse: “Saying AIPAC is guilty of dual loyalty is giving it credit for one more loyalty than it holds.”

In other words, this widely respected American organization, and the hundreds of thousands of Jews (and Christians) who support it, have absolutely no loyalty to our nation; their sole loyalty is to the foreign nation of Israel.

This false accusation of disloyalty to country was a central tenet of Nazism, Stalinism and other anti-Semitic regimes. Today, it is the mantra of Jew haters and neo-Nazis.

So who is spouting this hateful rhetoric today?

I first came across some of these vile quotes about “Israel firsters” and “dual loyalty” on an actual neo-Nazi website. Surprisingly, however, they were attributed not to the usual suspects, but to a spokesman for Media Matters, a hard left Democratic media attack and watchdog group that started out as an antidote to Fox News, and that still has close connections to the Obama White House.


Nazis, anti-Semites, and … Obama?  Oh my.  Dershowitz explains that Media Matters seems to only have dual-loyalty issues on one topic alone:

Let there be no doubt that Rosenberg’s accusation of dual or singular loyalty to a foreign country is an anti-Semitic canard historically reserved for Jews. Rosenberg doesn’t accuse Arab Americans who support Hamas and Hezbollah — America’s sworn enemies — of being “Palestine firsters.” Nor did he accuse Irish Americans who supported the Sinn Fein of being “Ireland firsters.”

Well, as an American of Irish descent, I can tell you that I had a term for the latter group, which I can’t write here at Hot Air but which rhymes with “bassbowls.”  I never thought of them as less than American; I thought they were less than sentient, supporting terrorism in the name of political change in someone else’s country. That only substantiates Dershowitz’ point, of course, and he’s absolutely correct in exposing that hypocrisy.

Don’t expect Dershowitz to let up.  If Tucker Carlson made Media Matters toxic for at least a few weeks, Dershowitz might make that status permanent.  How long will it take for the Obama White House to throw David Brock and his outfit under the bus?

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024