Video: The Horse Soldiers of 9/11

In the days after 9/11, the American people demanded action against the terrorists who slaughtered almost 3,000 people and the regime that sponsored them. Most of us know very little about the first to answer that call, but Alex Quade and the Daily Caller tell their story in “The Horse Soldiers of 9/11,” a tribute to the special forces that went into Afghanistan to rally the rebelling tribes against the Taliban. The American horse cavalry has a long tradition, but hasn’t had a new chapter in over a century:


Their contribution to the American response will be commemorated with a statue near Ground Zero in Manhattan, complete with a parade to its installation:

During the 2011 Veterans Day Parade on November 11, a new monument to these men — and to all Americans in uniform — will make its way down New York City’s famed Fifth Avenue on the way to its final home, a stone’s throw from Ground Zero

Military men and women, along with New York City firefighters, policemen, emergency responders and other marchers, 50,000 in all, will escort the monument on its televised journey. The spectacle will feature members of the three original Special Operations teams — some on horseback, others walking alongside surviving spouses of fallen heroes.

If this sounds like a movie script, well, it shortly will be:

Retired Army general and current CIA director David Petraeus will be among the parade marshals. Hollywood producer Jerry Bruckheimer is producing a future movie about America’s “Horse Soldiers.”


I’d stand in line to buy a ticket to that film. In the meantime, don’t miss this video and the story of the first response from America’s military in the war on terror.

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