Today on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), National Review’s Jim Geraghty returns to give us his perspective on the campaigns of the day. We’ll talk about the lessons of NY-26, as well as the latest in the presidential primary prelims. We’ll also talk with Brad Saft of Learn Our History, which aims to restore American values through education of young children. Here’s a sneak peek at the Reagan Revolution DVD:
Plus, we should have some time for a little Face the Chat!
The Ed Morrissey Show and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page — be sure to join us, and don’t forget to keep up with the debate on my Facebook page, too!
We’ll also cover the the case of Marizela Perez, who has been missing in the Seattle area for more than two months. Marizela’s case has a connection here at Hot Air, as she is the cousin of the Boss Emeritus, Michelle Malkin. Michelle is trying to spread the word through Facebook and Q13Fox/KCPQ in Seattle. We want to encourage prayers for Marizela’s family, and also try to reach anyone in the area who knows where Marizela might be and ask them to contact the police.
The search has its own website now, Find Marizela, for the latest in the efforts to bring Marizela home. There is also a fund for the family to keep the search efforts going. Be sure to check there and at Michelle’s site for further developments, and keep the family in your prayers.
America’s Most Wanted is now on the case, too.
Michelle has an update from last Friday detailing the difficulties of working with the police on cases of missing adults. Be sure to read it all to understand what this family faces — and many other families as well.
Also, Move America Forward has started its Troopathon effort for 2011, and Hot Air once again is sponsoring a blogger team in the competition! The Hot Air Steamers will square off against 5 other blogger teams — the COINS, Team 6, The Greyhawks, The Anti-Jihadists, and our friends at Free Republic on their own as The Freepers. The Steamers team includes Maggie’s Notebook, Lonely Conservative, and No Sheeples Here.
We’re combining up to sell care packages for our troops overseas. We’ll all take part in the Troopathon on June 23rd, when we’ll find out how the Steamers managed to do against our stalwart competitors — but this is one contest where everyone wins, especially the men and women who receive these packages and feel some small part of the support we all want to give them. Be generous, and thank you for your efforts!
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