Issa pledges probe into ATF "gun walking" operation

Well, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) can scratch Janet Napolitano off of his witness list right off the bat, can’t he? The chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee told San Diego talk-radio host Roger Hedgecock that he already has four investigators working full time on “Operation Fast and Furious” to determine what happened and how two American law-enforcement agents got killed with weapons that the US government allowed to move across the border to Mexico. Budget cuts won’t be any excuse, Issa promised, but they will be an inevitable consequence:


Matt Lewis also picks up on this for his new blog at the Daily Caller:

Issa revealed his plans during an interview Wednesday evening on the Roger Hedgecock Show, saying it would be one of his “primary investigations.”

According to Issa, the official announcement will “come out in the next day or two.” He said that although he normally investigates “waste, fraud, and abuse in government that leads to loss of money,” in this case, two individuals — a Border Patrol Agent and an Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent – “lost their lives needlessly because AK-47’s got over the border — not by accident — they got their as part of a plot by the very people that should be protecting them…”

“We’re going to get to the bottom of it … we’re going to hold those who lied to us early on accountable,” Issa promised Hedgecock.

Issa has a lot on his plate at the moment, what with tracking the Porkulus spending and the activities of the “czars” in the Obama administration. He could probably use some help from the House Judiciary and Homeland Security committees, which would have jurisdiction over the DoJ and DHS, respectively. They may already be coordinating efforts. We’ll know more after the official announcement, but clearly Congress needs to probe this apparently rogue operation and find out how such a dumb idea was allowed to be implemented in the first place, let alone take place supposedly without coordination at the top levels of both bureaucracies.


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