Romney: Obama WH “most anti-investment, anti-jobs, anti-growth administration”

Mitt Romney expresses his delight in the court ruling yesterday that overturned ObamaCare in its entirety. When George Stephanopoulos presses Romney on the similarities between the system Judge Roger Vinson overturned and the one Romney implemented in Massachusetts, Romney sticks to his federalist defense, saying that the difference is that the states have more room to craft individual mandates than Congress does. While refusing to apologize for MassCare, Romney admits that there are a few things he’d do differently — but then turns to attacking Obama on economic policy instead (via Greg Hengler):


Romney frames his pending candidacy (pending in the formal sense, anyway) as ensuring that “there’s somebody in the race that really understands how the economy works,” and can implement pro-growth, pro-investment, pro-jobs policies.  His success in venture capitalism gives Romney the edge on the economy, but he’ll have to convince people that he truly regrets the health-care program on which he ran in 2008 and that served as one model for ObamaCare.

Obama’s political team have enough concern over Romney’s economic argument that they took to publicly thanking him for giving them the idea for ObamaCare, a rather cynical dig intended to damage Romney’s appeal to conservatives.  Is David Axelrod really going to make ObamaCare an argument against Romney while defending it from Republican attacks?  That would certainly send a bit of a mixed message, wouldn’t it?

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