Gallup shows only 20% thinks ObamaCare “about right”

Democratic leaders and liberal pundits urged Democratic incumbents to run on their support for ObamaCare, but most of them had enough sense not to take that advice.  And for good reason, as the new Gallup poll demonstrates.  The poll shows twice as many people think Congress went to far as those who like the bill as is, and even those on the Left aren’t thrilled with it (via Jim Geraghty):


Americans are most likely to say the healthcare law passed earlier this year goes too far (42%), while 29% say it does not go far enough and 20% say it is about right. Those who believe the law goes too far tend to favor repealing it and passing a new bill as opposed to scaling back the existing bill or repealing the law and not passing new legislation in its place.

The Nov. 4-7 USA Today/Gallup poll finds that most Americans are generally dissatisfied with the law — 20% describe it as “about right.” But less than a majority think it goes too far, and 10% favor repealing the legislation and not passing a new bill in its place.

A substantial minority of 29% seem inclined to want to expand on what the current law does, saying it does not go far enough. That includes 46% of Democrats, but also 27% of independents and 12% of Republicans.

Republicans are, not surprisingly, most likely to say the law goes too far. Half of Republicans would like to repeal the legislation and pass a new bill to replace it, while 20% favor repeal without new legislation.

Bear in mind that this poll surveyed a general population of adults rather than registered or likely voters.  That’s curious in itself, especially since Gallup extrapolates from the results that Republicans run a political risk in pursuing repeal.  Why not conduct the survey among those who actually voted last week?  After all, those are the people who will be most likely to react to what Congress now does in repealing or defunding the bill.


Apart from that, though, this shows why Democrats took such a beating.  ObamaCare and Porkulus were the two bills most associated with this session of Congress.  The latter has become known as an obvious flop, while the former gets support from a grand total of one in five adults in its present form — and that’s after the Obama administration supposedly front-loaded the most popular provisions this year.  What follows is more likely to anger voters than woo them, and these numbers may be the best ObamaCare sees in the future.

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