Blumenthal flip-flopping on cap-and-trade?

So says Linda McMahon, who has some video evidence of the charge.  Not so, says Richard Blumenthal, who accuses McMahon of dirty politics. The contretemps got the attention of the NBC affiliate in Connecticut, which delves into the issue — and exposes Blumenthal’s flip-flop in the process:


First, Blumenthal writes Congress urging that they pass a “carbon tax,” which in this context means cap-and-trade, the only proposal the House considered. He then claims that he didn’t support cap-and-trade at all. Then Blumenthal says he only supported the House version of cap-and-trade.  Then he says that cap-and-trade is only the beginning of what he wants done on carbon emissions.

And after all of that, Blumenthal accuses McMahon of dishonesty?  Er … sure.

Cap-and-trade is not dead, unfortunately.  And whatever Blumenthal thinks, tax issues are not just a legitimate issue in any election, they are among the most pressing issues in this particular cycle.  If Blumenthal isn’t prepared to answer it, and answer it honestly and consistently, perhaps he shouldn’t be running for office in the first place.

Update: The Blumenthal campaign says that Connecticut voters don’t have to worry — because what Blumenthal really wants to do is stick it to Kentucky residents:


Over the weekend, the Blumenthal campaign sent out e-mails alleging that McMahon distorted the effect of cap and trade.

Ty Matsdorf, a spokesman for the Blumenthal campaign, said the costs commonly attributed to the legislation don’t apply to Connecticut because the state relies mostly on natural gas, which emits less carbon than oil or coal and is more expensive than those fuels. Cap and trade would raise costs more for coal-burning states such as Kentucky, he said.

Perhaps voters in other states should take that as a warning about what will happen if Democrats control Congress in the next session … especially for Kentucky voters considering Democrat Jack Conway over Republican Rand Paul.

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