NARN, the Kickass Edition!

The Northern Alliance Radio Network will be on the air today, with our eight-hour-long broadcast schedule starting at 9 am CT. If you’re in the Twin Cities, you can hear us on AM 1280 The Patriot, or on the station’s Internet stream if you’re outside of the broadcast area.


Today, Mitch and I try to figure out which rear ends Barack Obama has to kick, perhaps starting with … his own? We’ll also talk about Obama’s “I drink your milkshake” moment yesterday, but we’ll have plenty of time to dissect the elections from this week and what they mean. It was a great week for Republican women, and what does that mean for the general election in November? Mitch will bring us up to date on the attacks on Tom Emmer and the controversies surrounding Tom Horner, too.

Be sure to call 651-289-4488 to join the conversation!

Mitch and I now live-stream our show from 1-3 pm CT on Ustream, complete with live chat! NARN and its dynamic chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page — be sure to join us!

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