The Ed Morrissey Show: George Phillips, Face the Chatizens

Normally we’d talk with Kevin McCullough on our Monday show, but some (good) developments will keep Kevin busy today.  Instead, we’ll do a Face the Chatizens show at 3 pm ET today, where I’ll take your questions on any topic and discuss the latest in politics and the news.  In order to take part, you’ll have to be registered at Ustream, which is both free and easy to complete.  Once you’ve done that, you can join us every day and take part in the conversation that parallels the show, and often takes a life of its own.


First, however, we’ll interview George Phillips, the Republican candidate for Congress in NY-22.  Phillips wants to unseat the oft-unhinged Democrat, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, and return to the district’s center-right roots.  We’ll talk with Phillips about Hinchey, the issues, and recent polling that shows voters in NY-22 looking for some change — and Phillips hopes to provide it.

The Ed Morrissey Show and chatroom can be seen on the permanent TEMS page — join us there!

Update: Great news from our friend King Banaian, who is running for the state legislature — the DFL incumbent there is retiring, according to Mitch Berg:

Because you’re a friend and supporter, I wanted you to know first about my decision to not seek re-election. Five years ago I offered myself as a candidate for public office in Minnesota out of a deep sense of appreciation of the issues important to the people of District 15B.


I’ll be speaking at a fundraiser for King tomorrow night in St. Cloud.  We’ll try to get King on the show this week.

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