Today on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), I’ll have Jim Geraghty of Campaign Spot on to discuss his excellent primer on the 99 seats in play in this year’s midterms. We’ll also talk about the collapse of Democratic turnout in yesterday’s primaries. In the second segment, we’ll welcome Cato’s John Samples, who just published a timely book, The Struggle to Limit Government: A Modern Political History, about the problems in pursuing limited government in an age of increasing statism. We’ll also continue our debate over the advice John offered to Tea Party activists. In bonus minutes, we’ll talk with Aaron Klein about his new book, The Manchurian President: Barack Obama’s Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists, which is at #7 on Amazon’s best-seller list.
Update: Jazz Shaw of The Moderate Voice replaced Jim Geraghty, who had a scheduling conflict today.
We will also have our great chat room, which you can find with the show itself on the new TEMS permanent page at Hot Air! Be sure to join us there for the show at 3 pm ET!
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