Dying terrorist making "remarkable recovery"

The Scots government ordered the release of Lockerbie terrorist Abdel Baset al-Megrahi after concluding that he only had weeks to live.  This week, he got one more birthday party than the 269 people he murdered in the bombing of Pan Am 103 in December 1988.  Megrahi apparently also celebrated a surprising return to good health:


The Lockerbie bomber celebrated his 58th birthday on Thursday at a Libyan mansion, defying the imminent death Scottish officials predicted when they compassionately freed him from prison nearly eight months ago.

The thought of Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi partying with family and friends – reportedly thanking God for his survival – left his victims’ loved ones sick to their stomachs.

“It’s absolutely despicable. It’s horrific because my daughter had only 20 birthdays,” said Susan Cohen of Cape May, N.J.

Cohen’s daughter, Theodora, a student at Syracuse University, was among 270 killed Dec. 21, 1988, when Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed in midair over Lockerbie, Scotland.

But he celebrated on his deathbed, right?

“Since returning to the love of family and friends, he has made a remarkable recovery,” a diplomatic source told the (London) Daily Mail.

Well, at least those oil contracts between Libya and the UK are on the mend.  Because, as we discovered, that’s all that was really important to the British and Scots governments.

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