Rasmussen: 49% want states to sue to stop ObamaCare

Remind me again how the success of passing ObamaCare is supposed to help Democrats in the midterms.  Americans want tort reform, but ObamaCare has them so angry that they want states to sue to block it.  Only 37% oppose the idea, according to Rasmussen:


Forty-nine percent (49%) of U.S. voters favor their state suing the federal government to fight the requirement in the new national health care plan that every American must obtain health insurance.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of likely voters finds that 37% disagree and oppose their state suing to challenge that requirement. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. …

Seventy-two percent (72%) of Republicans and 58% of voters not affiliated with either major party favor such lawsuits. Sixty-five percent (65%) of Democrats are opposed. This suggests that filing a suit would be popular in Republican leaning and toss-up states but not in strong Democratic states. Of course, as with all things in the world of politics, these realities could shift over time as both parties try to spin the recently-passed legislation.

As many as 14 states already have plans in the works to do just that.  They plan to attack the program at its weakest Constitutional point, the individual mandate, but will also look at other grounds.  The undoing of the individual mandate would unravel the entire bill; without a way to force the young and healthy to buy comprehensive insurance they don’t need, premiums will skyrocket as must-insure regulations come into effect, and Democrats will reap a whirlwind of anger at the ballot box for the next several cycles.


Ironically, the only age demographic that doesn’t support suing to stop ObamaCare is the youngest, 18-29 year olds.  Even 21% of Democrats favor such lawsuits, as well as 14% of liberals, who probably would like to see that effort transform the system to single-payer.  Every income demographic supports the lawsuits by at least a plurality, although those pluralities are thin for <$20K (1 point) and $40-60K (3 points).  A majority of men (53%) and plurality of women (45%) support the lawsuits.

And here’s another tidbit for Democrats to ponder heading into the midterms — 70% of likely voters consider themselves angry at the policies of the federal government completely controlled by their party, including 48% who are “very angry.”  That comprises 67% of men, 73% of women, more than two-thirds in every age demographic, 73% of independents, and 50% of Democrats.  Heckuva job, Barack!

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | October 23, 2024