NY Post: Paterson withdrawing from governor's race

Did the latest scandal revelation surrounding New York Governor David Paterson push him to retire?  According to the New York Post this morning, Paterson will announce his withdrawal from the primary fight to keep his office:


Gov. David Paterson has decided not to seek election to a full term amid a roiling scandal over whether he and his troopers intimidated a woman who’d reported domestic violence against one of his top aides, The Post has learned.

Paterson has communicated to top advisers and supporters that he will pull the plug on his campaign today, multiple sources said — confirming a Post report.

He’s expected to make a statement at between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. today.

According to the Post’s sources, Paterson won’t resign from office, but his political career is over, at least for the foreseeable future.  That leaves Andrew Cuomo as the only significant Democrat running for the top job, and it allows Democrats to focus funds elsewhere.  Paterson stood little chance of defeating Cuomo in the primary anyway, but the fight would have forced Cuomo to spend funds he could better use in the general election.

If the story is true, though, it deserves a full investigation.  That kind of abuse of power hearkens back to Watergate and the Nixon era.  Paterson’s resignation should not be the end of the story. (via Jim Geraghty)

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024