Gallup tracking poll puts Obama approval and disapproval at 47%

Gallup has its first daily tracking poll on presidential job approval where all three days of polling falls after the Massachusetts special election that stripped Obama of his Senate supermajority.  For the first time, Gallup has both approval and disapproval among adults at the same level, 47%.  Furthermore, it appears that Obama lost significant ground among adults after the election, which led to the tie today (h/t Geoff A):


This approval rating is the lowest Gallup has yet recorded, and it wipes out a five-point advantage Obama had coming into the election that propelled Scott Brown to victory.  Bear in mind that this does not include weekend polling, which usually favors Democrats, so expect a rebound in the Tuesday-Wednesday polling announcements.

Still, the general population of adults usually gives Democrats their best polling.  Rasmussen’s tracking poll among likely voters shows Obama well under water, as it has for two months.  Furthermore, the gap between strong approval and strong disapproval reached another record, and this time it’s not just Republicans and independents losing patience:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 24% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19 (see trends).

These figures come from nightly telephone surveys and are reported on a three-day rolling average basis. Today’s update is the first based entirely upon interviews following Tuesday’s election in Massachusetts and the Approval Index has fallen eight points since Tuesday morning.

The number of Democrats who Strongly Approve has fallen from 55% on Tuesday morning to 48% today. The number of unaffiliated voters who Strongly Disapprove has increased from 43% on Tuesday to 51% today. It remains to be seen whether those changes are a temporary reaction in the wake of a stunning election upset or the beginning of a more lasting change.


If Obama has started to lose the passion of his base, he’s in deep trouble.  That may have more to do with the failure to push for the public option in ObamaCare, but it also gives a big indication of potential voter ennui in the midterms.  It’s no small wonder that Obama has brought David Plouffe back into the White House political machine to rescue his floundering presidency.

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