Rasmussen: 59% say town-hall protesters authentic

Rasmussen has bad news for the spin machine on the Left about the town-hall protests.  Despite weeks of attempting to dismiss the outpouring of anger as “Astroturfing,” a strong majority of voters believes them to be genuine, and an increased plurality supports them.  In fact, the numbers of those believing the protests to be genuine have increased as ObamaCare advocates have pushed their accusations hard:


Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters nationwide say that it’s more important for Congressmen to hear the view of their constituents rather than explain the proposed health care legislation. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 37% hold the opposite view while 7% are not sure.

The desire for Congress to listen may stem from the fact that voters believe they understand the legislation better than Congress.

Forty-nine percent (49%) have a favorable opinion of those opposing the health care reforms at town hall meetings. That’s up eight points from 41% a month ago. Thirty-five percent (35%) have an unfavorable view of the town hall protesters, unchanged from last month.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) now say the town hall protesters are citizens reflecting the concerns of their neighbors. That’s up ten points over the past month.

In fact, the only people convinced of the Astroturfing spin are the Obama True Believers — and not even all of them.  Democrats, for instance, think that the protests are phony, but only with a bare majority, 53%-36%.  Independents believe them to be authentic by almost 4-1, 67%-18%.

Majorities in every age demographic reject the Astroturfing accusations, with the highest majority coming from 18-29 year olds — Obama’s choice age demo (69%).  Majorities in every income demo accept them as authentic as well.  The only demographics accepting this argument are liberals (65%-24% for phony), black voters (a remarkably thin majority at 56%-33%), and the political class (63%-30%).


If Obama and Congress want to recover from this debacle, they will have to respond by changing the legislation, not by tossing around accusations of astroturfing.  Increasing numbers of Americans not only believe the protesters to be genuine, they are agreeing with them as well.  If Democrats are trying to convince themselves of their own spin, they will find themselves facing an enraged electorate at the midterms — and they may anyway.

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