TEMS: Andrew Malcolm; Jazz Shaw on IMF Bailout/War Funding

Today, on the Ed Morrissey Show (3 pm ET), Andrew Malcolm from the LA Times’ Top of the Ticket blog joins us again to discuss media & politics. We will discuss the media’s coverage of the Iran crisis, as well as Barack Obama’s handling of it. We’ll also look at David Letterman’s apology to Sarah Palin and her decision to accept it, especially in terms of how that impacted the media coverage of the dust-up.


In the second half, Jazz and I will debate my opposition to the $5 billion IMF bailout, which is part of the war effort. Should we Melt the Phones to stop it? Or should we swallow the bailout to keep the war funding? If we decide to play Melt the Phones, you know how this works — send Jazz your real name and telephone number, as well as your Representative’s name and number, in chat so that I can bridge you together with your Representative’s office.

Now you can join the conversation in the chat room! Be sure to register at Ustream to participate in our raucous live-chat sessions. (And if the log-in prompt doesn’t come up in the chat box below, use this link instead.) Jazz Shaw of The Moderate Voice and The Monster moderate the chat, and they have Troll Gun Trivia Contest running before the show, for those who get there early — and are registered!


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | October 23, 2024