Earlier this week, I asked Hot Air readers to pray for our friend Melinda, who developed an MRSA staph infection just before she was supposed to finally return home after several months of hospitalization. The new infection stopped her dialysis for a short while and put her back in the ICU, and of course MRSA can kill patients with fewer problems than Melinda. Fortunately, I have some good news from her husband Larry:
Melinda was moved upstairs from ICU early Thursday afternoon. She is doing well.
Her breathing is labored, so she is receiving regular breathing treatments. She is on oxygen for the time being. We believe that most of her issues will be solved as the dialysis continues to take fluids from her body.
Thursday evening they were dialyzing her while I was there. They took 3.9 liters. They had a bit of an issue with a low blood pressure, but it is now normalized. If all goes well, she’ll be in this room for a few more days. Her doctors will probably take another blood culture to assess the infection. Eventually they will release her to go back to [the nursing home] for a brief while before she returns home.
On Friday morning the doctors did some minor surgery. They moved her catheter from her neck to her chest. She still has the infection and still has some low grade fevers but none of her temperatures have gone past 100.7. She will be dialyzed on Saturday and if all goes well, she will be going back to [the nursing home] in the next few days.
She says thank you to those of you who have prayed. It has made a huge difference.
Thanks to all of you who sent comments and e-mails (and even Facebook messages) of support, which the First Mate passed along to Larry.
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