Video: Guns, Guns, Guns

Steve Crowder gives a hilarious look at both the gun-control policies of the Obama administration and the intellectual honesty of Michael Moore. The argument on guns is excellent, but the highlight comes when Steve demonstrates how Moore edits his interviews for, er, clarity:


It may seem like wishful thinking to show Moore wailing and gnashing his burger and candy bar, but it may not be far from the truth, either. Moore feels pretty good about supposedly representing the majority after the November election, but in truth, people aren’t going to turn out in droves to watch pro-administration propaganda.  (They can get that from the broadcast networks for free, anyway.)  In contrast, Byron York discovers that the official White House attack machine of Operation Rushbo has benefited … Rush:

“The latest numbers I have are for January, well before this kerfuffle began, and they are through the roof — six shares in NY, for example. There are daily ratings taken now in about the top 15 markets but I have not seen them yet. All I can tell you is that as of January, we booked 80 percent of all our 2008 revenue and we’ll be over 2008 by the end of this month.”

The opposition can expect to see more of this trend, especially the longer Obama fumbles on the economy.

And on the topic of guns, don’t miss Frank J’s list of suggested alternate names for the gun-restriction bill.  My fave: The I Don’t Know Crap About Guns, But I’m Told These Ones Are Bad Act.

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