Arlen Specter better check in with the neighborhood, because they’re not too happy with him after his vote on Porkulus. Rasmussen detects a significant shift in support for Specter, and not one that will help him win re-election in 2010:
Senator Arlen Specter is one of only three Republicans to support the economic stimulus bill in Congress, and the latest Rasmussen Reports survey in Pennsylvania shows that his position is costing him support back home.
Just 31% of Keystone State voters say are more likely to vote for Specter because of his position on the stimulus package while 40% are less likely to do so.
A look inside the numbers shows the problem for Specter may be even more significant. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Republican voters in the state are less likely to vote for Specter. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, just 27% are more likely to support the long-time incumbent while 48% are less likely to do so.
The Republican fade is certainly expected, but the drop in independent support is instructive. We keep hearing about how the opposition to Porkulus is a Republican “war” on Barack Obama. If so, wouldn’t independents then be more likely to support Specter’s independence from his caucus?
As it turns out, independents aren’t sold on Porkulus, either. Rasmussen detected an uptick in support for the bill after Obama’s prime-time presser on Monday, but only by four points overall, 44-40%. Unaffiliated voters still opposed it, though, 46-40%, a wider margin than Rasmussen detected for overall support. And demographics on income levels are particularly interesting. Porkulus gets majority support in the under-$20K income level (61-21%) and $20-39K level (52-35%). Every other level opposes Porkulus, including a majority among those making six figures or more.
Pennsylvania voters are telling Specter to oppose Porkulus. If you want to make that message more personal, call his office at 202-224-4254, or fax him at 202-228-1229.
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