Is the Swiss Clooney Fundraiser still on? Update: Obama never scheduled to attend

Last month, CNN reported that Barack Obama would head to Switzerland on September 2nd to attend two high-priced fundraisers hosted by George Clooney and Obama backer Charles Adams in Geneva. The dinner alone would raise over three-quarters of a million dollars, money that would come in handy now that John McCain raised $47 million in August:


Academy award winning actor George Clooney is set to host a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Switzerland next month.

The event, taking place on the evening of September 2 in Geneva, Switzerland will be split into two parts: a reception and a dinner. According to Obama’s National Finance Committee, tickets for the reception where Clooney will speak are going for $1,000, followed by a dinner at the home of NFC member Charles Adams for $10,000 a plate. Space for the dinner is limited to 75 guests.

Of course, McCain has spent this week raising money for those in the hurricane-stricken region of the Gulf.  Will Obama take this opportunity to jet-set to a congregation of elite ex-pats in Europe while the McCains and the Republicans work on behalf of Americans needing shelter and assistance?

So far, nothing I’ve found indicates that Obama has cancelled this event.  According to a Sky News report on Clooney from yesterday, the fundraiser is still on:

Clooney said the movie – though poking fun at the world of intelligence – had no political intent. Speaking of politics, wouldn’t Clooney, who is planning a fundraiser for presidential hopeful Barack Obama in Geneva, Switzerland next month, rather have been at the Democratic Convention in Denver, this week instead of in Venice?

‘I’m sort of happy to be here. It is one of my favourite places,’ Clooney said. ‘The stars of the convention should be the people who are being elected.’


He couldn’t be this desperate for cash …. could he?

Update: The fundraiser is still on (presumably), but nothing in the report indicates Obama will be there.  In the original report, it didn’t indicate that Obama would attend at all.

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