Walt Disney World tells Boy Scouts to allow openly gay leaders or lose funding

A few days ago, Disney World announced that unless Boy Scouts of America (BSA) changed its policy on openly homosexual scoutmasters – namely, they’re not allowed – by January 1, 2015, the organization would lose funding from Walt Disney.


The reason is simple – Disney says BSA violates the company’s non-discrimination policy:

Disney does not give money directly to the national organization or local BSA councils. However, through its VoluntEARS program, Disney allows employees to do volunteer work in exchange for cash donations to the charities of their choice.

Employees taking part in the VoluntEARS program will no longer be able to submit the funds to the Boy Scouts, the organization said. The new policy will not affect Walt Disney employees who volunteer with the Scouts, the company said.


According to Disney’s charitable giving guidelines, groups become ineligible to receive Disney funding if they “discriminate in the provision of services unlawfully or in a manner inconsistent with Disney’s policies on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, marital status, mental or physical ability, or sexual orientation.”

Kudos to the homosexual activist lobby, which has managed to scare Disney into making this move. As a private organization, Disney is of course entitled to withhold money from whatever organizations it chooses to, even if that decision is unwise.

However, this leads to a question: Will Disney also take money from Girl Scouts USA, which does not allow male scout leaders? Discrimination is discrimination, after all, and those men who want to lead girls on scouting trips should be given the same opportunity as women.


It’s a silly question, but so is Disney’s position that not allowing men who have sexual attractions to men to lead boys on scout trips is unfair discrimination.

Then again, this is the same company that is accused of sending money to Planned Parenthood, as well as hiding animal abuse that takes place during filming of its movies, so policies inconsistent with Disney’s official child-friendly corporate theme are hardly unusual.

Dustin Siggins is the Washington, D.C. Correspondent for Lifesitenews.com and formerly the primary blogger with Tea Party Patriots. He is a co-author of the forthcoming book, Bankrupt Legacy: The Future of the Debt-Paying Generation. His work has been published by numerous online and print publications, including USA Today, Roll Call, Hot Air, Huffington Post, Mediaite, and First Things.

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