Are The Democrats Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud?

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer

Democrats are super angry about, and Marc Elias is suing to stop, a Trump Executive Order requiring states to ask people whether they are United States citizens on voter registration forms. 


Limiting voting to US citizens is outrageous!

Democrats are right to be concerned. After all, they have spent years and years, not to mention many billions in taxpayer dollars, running one of the largest human trafficking operations in world history to import millions of illegal aliens. 

Sure, they made a huge profit off the operation. Countless NGOs harvested billions of dollars in USAID grants, and lots of contractors made a mint transporting, feeding, and housing the flood of illegals, but the Democrats counted on harvesting millions of illegal votes in the bargain as well. 

Why do you think that all those Blue states started handing out driver's licenses and voter registration forms to illegals? To promote public safety or something? Or encourage the flood of illegals who were carrying communicable diseases, unvaccinated for COVID or other more preventable but deadly diseases, or sent all those mail-in ballots to homeless shelters?


Vote harvesting. They even call it "ballot harvesting," as if they can farm illegal votes like asparagus. Because they could for years. 

Democrat-run cities have already legalized non-citizen voting in local elections, and you are a fool if you think that once an illegal alien is at the polling place, they aren't getting ballots for all races, then I would like to discuss my pyramid scheme with you. Just to be clear, though, you will be one of the last ones in before the collapse. 

I am constantly amazed by how many otherwise intelligent people just take the word of politicians and activists that no illegal alien votes because, after all, it is illegal to do so. 

Uh...they already are proven willing to commit crimes. Right? 

Then there are the people in the Pravda Media who proudly assert it doesn't happen because so few cases have been revealed. To which I say: how on earth could we know since we never look for fraud and have no means to check in most cases? 


It's like that story coming of the San Francisco BART a few years ago--they quit releasing videos of crimes because they didn't want anybody to take away the impression that most of the crime came from one demographic group. "We don't want to feed racism, so we will hide the evidence."

That is a kind of proof in itself. If you don't want people to know whether something is happening, that something is happening, and frequently. If there were no non-citizens voting, then demanding people be citizens should prevent nobody from voting. 

Democrats invent all sorts of ridiculous scenarios in which an ID is unavailable to some poor, bedraggled voter who will be disenfranchised. It is all bunk. If you can't get an ID, then your interest in voting is below nil because you are looking for your next fentanyl hit.

"Millions" of people will be disenfranchised? Nope, unless you count the people hiding in the shadows who are most definitely ineligible to vote. 

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