The death cult that modern leftism is has been pushing for the depopulation of the Earth for more than 60 years.
The obsession with ridding the Earth of the "inferior" among us has been going on for much longer than that, with some eugenicists such as Margaret Sanger still revered as prophets and saints by millions of liberals.
Forced sterilization, one-child policies, and endless propaganda about the wonders of a child-free life or the imminent destruction of the Earth have all taken their toll on the birth rate, not only in the Western world but the entire world.The WEF's Jane Goodall believes the world would be a better place if the human population was reduced by 93%, down to 500 million people.
— Red Pill Dispenser (@redpilldispensr) March 9, 2025
The result? A demographic disaster that threatens to bring down whole societies. One of the reasons used to justify mass immigration in Western countries is that without foreign workers, our economies are doomed.
South Korea and Hungary are Taking Steps to Fight The Global Population Collapse
— (@LifeNewsHQ) March 12, 2025
China is famously facing a demographic disaster. In Europe, it is at least as bad. In South Korea, the population of the country could literally disappear within a few generations because there are so few births per couple.
South Korea is a demographic basket case. Replacement-level total fertility rate (TFR) is 2.1. In 2o23 South Korea’s was 0.72, the world’s lowest. At that TFR, each successive generation would be 34 percent of the previous one. There are more people over 60 than under 18. Adult diapers outsell baby diapers. The leading cause of death among youth is suicide. In the capital Seoul, more than half the people live alone.
Gideon Lewis-Kraus discusses all this in a superb post in The New Yorker, “The Apocalyptic Decline in Birthrates,” a deep dive into the South Korean birth dearth well worth reading Lewis-Kraus’s money quote: “Population loss is an apocalypse on an installment plan.” So true.
For every three people who die, one will be born. Think about that, and its implications. As the population ages, fewer and fewer people will be around to pay for their pensions and health care. Societal collapse will be inevitable.
South Korea is grappling with a plunging birth rate. According to the latest figures, births per woman have fallen to 0.72, the lowest since the nation broke the critical fertility threshold of 2.1 in 1984. The current number is significantly below the replacement fertility rate and represents the lowest rate among all OECD countries – and it’s projected to drop ever lower, to 0.68 for 2024.
How grave is this situation? Imagine a population size of 200, half men and half women. Assuming 70 percent of the women give birth to one child over the course of their lifetime, the population would add 70 children. If half of those (35) are women, and 70 percent of those women had one child, the number of new births would shrink to around 25 in the next generation. That is a whopping 88 percent decrease (from 200 to 25) in just two generations.
Dr. Lee Sang-lim, a population studies expert, warns that South Korea is facing an existential crisis due to these alarming demographic trends. As a principal researcher at the Seoul National University’s Population Policy Research Center and a civilian advisor to the Parliamentary Task Force on the Population Crisis, Lee brings extensive expertise to the issue.
This is what the death cultists have wrought.
The United States is still growing substantially in population, but the growth is driven by legal and illegal migrants. The propaganda pushing people to not have kids is unrelenting.
The joys of not having kids is promoted everywhere, and it is sickening. It focuses on how liberating it is to not have kids. Free time, lots of disposable income, world travel, and a stress-free life awaits those smart enough to avoid having children!
What nobody shows you is the emptiness of a life devoid of family in the later years. And why should they? People leading empty lives later in life can simply opt-out through euthanasia, which after all is cheaper for government and just fine with the transnational elite. Living in a Logan's Run world looks mighty attractive to them, as long as they are exempted from the mass culling.
Among Americans ages 18 to 55, married adults with children are the happiest. @WendyRWang
— Brad Wilcox (@BradWilcoxIFS) January 15, 2024
A world with fewer people looks mighty attractive to those at the top of the pyramid. Every seat in a plane can be First Class without the bother of dealing with the hoi polloi. There will still be enough workers to provide luxury goods, especially if you can dispose of the surplus oldsters whose lives are devoid of meaning once they retire and start to fail physically.
To them it seems like nirvana.
The agenda is demonic, but that appeals to demonic people. Collapsing economics of retirement and medical systems don't look so bad if you just euthanize the no longer productive after all. Demographic decline has a solution: kill the infirm.
This is most of the motivation behind climate cultism. Drive the population down and immiserate the less productive. As long as productive people are satisfied in their youths and middle-age, their misery in their "golden years" is actually good. Just provide them an out through suicide and everybody left is happy.
What is being promoted is societal suicide, and not coincidentally is creating an epidemic of people whose lives are dominated by empty consumerism and the guarantee of eventual despair as mean and fulfillment evaporate in later years.
Talk to a grandparent about what fulfills them, and the answer is universally "my grandkids." Nobody looks back on their life and regrets not spending more time at the office and getting ahead in the rat race. What they regret most is time not spent with their families and friends.
Ironically, DINKS are among the most easily controlled in the population because their concern for the next generation and willingness to fight for it is diminished. Going along to get along is the best way to get ahead, so they do.
The transnational elite loves that. The rest of us should rightfully resent it.