60 Minutes Propaganda Off the Charts This Weekend

Photo by Charles Sykes/Invision/AP, File

The Pravda Media propaganda works if your only source of information is...the Pravda Media. 

This is why censorship is a vital part of their strategy for Narrative™ control. Two "60 Minutes" segments aired yesterday demonstrate the one-two punch. One was a deeply deceptive piece on USAID, the other on why censorship is a good thing. 


Let me focus on the first. I will write a post about the elite's desperate fight to expand censorship later. 

USAID's existence has always been predicated on weaponized empathy. As long as the elite can pull your heartstrings they can count on you turning off your brain. That is why USAID always supported a little bit of food and medical aid--"see, we are saving lives!"--while pouring the majority of their resources into regime change both in the West and outside of it. 

Now, with the "chaos" at USAID caused by the budget freeze and the mass layoffs, 60 Minutes is weaponizing our empathy for the people who worked at this deeply corrupt agency. 


This is pure propaganda for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the woman being interviewed didn't even work at USAID. She was a consultant, and her job had NOTHING to do with providing aid to anybody but Samantha Power, for whom she wrote speeches. On LinkedIn, she describes herself, unsurprisingly, as a "national security specialist" (Deep State operative), not an aid worker. 


So...this poor, poor USAID worker who will never be able to afford child care again is actually an outside consultant who wrote speeches for Samantha Power, the Biden appointed Deep State head of USAID.

Boo hoo. Doubt she could ever work again. How are the rice and beans going to make it to Africa if Kristina isn't there to write a speech about it?

60 Minutes has gotten so comfortable and lazy that they go straight to the paid propagandist and give her the microphone. Why even bother trying to build a story when the Deep State will hand you one prepackaged with a trained professional marketer to sell it?

I love how they go from Drye crying about child care to showing stacks of rice and beans with the USAID logo. It is a nice touch, implying that without money going to the Aspen Institute, the World Economic Forum, the Brookings Institute, Internews, censorship organizations, and regime change programs, the world will starve. 

No child care in America and no food abroad, all because Elon Musk is firing speechwriters. 

The hell of it is that this works with a lot of people who grew up thinking that the Pravda Media exists to ferret out the truth, and that includes almost everybody in the elite class. I grew up watching 60 Minutes and believed the legends about intrepid reporters ferreting out the truth, although at least back then, the story was that they were holding corporations and government to account. 


Now, their job is to promote corporations and the government and attack anybody questioning the Narrative™. 

CBS really is on a roll this weekend. Margaret Brennan identified "weaponized free speech" as the cause of the holocaust, and 60 Minutes sells us a consulting speechwriter for Samantha Power as the victim of meanies who don't care about children and want Africans to starve. 

Are they really this tired and lazy? Yes, yes they are. 

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