Coincidence? ABA Blasts Cuts to USAID. Also, ABA Gets Millions From USAID

Data Republican

It might be easier to keep a list of who in the Establishment DOESN'T get USAID funding than those who do. 

As everybody in the Elite screams from the top of their lungs about the injustice of it all, it turns out that cuts to USAID are so offensive to them because USAID is nothing but a piggy bank for every damn one of them. 


The latest group of whiners who claim that cutting foreign aid is unconstitutional or a dire crisis is the American Bar Association. 

From what I can gather, about half of the ABA's revenue comes from government grants, including grants from USAID. I had no idea.

How's this for a good look? $114 million from the taxpayers. 

Gee, I wonder why the ABA is so opposed to doing a government audit...

Look at that list of people who funneled money into the ABA and tell me that the group is totally nonpartisan and just looking out for the interests of "our democracy."


It seems like every time you see a piggy squealing about how the American people shouldn't know anything about how our money is spent, you find out that they have been feeding at the trough. 

You may have noticed that all these groups screaming at the top of their lungs about cutting government spending are the recipients of tens of millions (or more) of US government spending, much of it running through the foreign aid budget. 

The Bar Association, Atlantic Council, Aspen Institute, Brookings...all are deeply offended that we are cutting funds to starving Africans who seem to get less in actual aid than these NGOs do. 


They are using starving children as human shields. Something they have in common, in principle, with Hamas--another indirect recipient of USAID funding. 

Hakeem Jeffries is now invoking the moral authority of Nelson Mandela to justify the looting of the Treasury, when he has more in common with the grafters who are running South Africa right now. 

The list of moral monsters who run our country keeps getting longer. I had no idea that so many seemingly innocuous organizations were pillaging the federal budget. And it has taken Elon Musk only 3 weeks to completely upend our politics. 


I want to see where every dollar goes. Every self-righteous organization, by complaining, is outing itself as yet another grifter that subsists off the hard work of the people they are working to suppress. 

This is a war between the Establishment and the people. Nothing less. 

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