Opposing Lab Grown Meat and Insect Meal in Pasta is 'Far Right'

AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

For years, the left has pushed eating bugs on Western populations. 

Opposing the idea was far right until the backlash against the idea by ordinary people turned the idea into a far-right conspiracy theory. Nobody wanted you to eat bugs, right? 


NPR and the World Economic Forum have spent years trying to get people to eat bugs, and for some reason nobody wanted to do it despite enormous efforts, including the EU itself promoting it. 

I have an entire article on NPR's about face so I won't go into it again, but needless to say the effort put into this effort had been herculean.

Well, Italy under Georgia Meloniis banning bugs and lab grown meat and the BBC is big mad and big sad about it, and is calling her and her party "far right" for doing so.

In there world, there are good people and "far right" people, and that's it. Good people are anybody who will submit to the insanity of the left. 

Italy's right-wing government has backed a bill that would ban laboratory-produced meat and other synthetic foods, highlighting Italian food heritage and health protection.

If the proposals go through, breaking the ban would attract fines of up to €60,000 (£53,000).

Francesco Lollobrigida, who runs the rebranded ministry for agriculture and food sovereignty, spoke of the importance of Italy's food tradition.

The farmers' lobby praised the move.

But it was a blow for some animal welfare groups, which have highlighted lab-made meat as a solution to issues including protecting the environment from carbon emissions and food safety.

Coldiretti and other agriculture lobbies have collected half a million signatures in recent months calling for protection of "natural food vs synthetic food", and Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is among those who have signed.

"We could only celebrate with our farmers a measure that puts our farmers in the vanguard, not just on the issue of defending excellence... but also in defending consumers," she told a "flash mob" organised by Coldiretti outside her office in Rome.

The proposed bill came hard on the heels of a series of government decrees banning the use of flour derived from insects such as crickets and locusts in pizza or pasta.

Ministers have cited Italy's prized Mediterranean diet as their motivation for both measures.

Mr Lollobrigida, who comes from the same far-right Brothers of Italy party as the prime minister said: "Laboratory products do not guarantee quality, well-being and the protection of the Italian food and wine culture and tradition, to which part of our tradition is linked."

The proposals, approved by ministers on Tuesday, seek to ban synthetic foods produced from animal cells without killing the animal, and would apply to lab-produced fish and synthetic milk too.


Farmers are bad too, of course. Every European bureaucrat knows that. 

I particularly liked the "flash mob" reference. Sounds ominous. 

Racism. Fascism. You simply must be a bad person not to want crickets and mealworms in your food. 

The whiplash I get whenever I read about these ideas is hurting my neck. It is a far right conspiracy theory that the left wants you to eat bugs, and a far right conspiracy based on racism that you don't want to embrace the future filled with owning nothing and eating mealworms. 

There is no need for consistency because the USAID will fund "independent journalists" and the BBC to push these ideas on you, repeating them until you give in. 

Except eating bugs is repulsive, so the message doesn't sell any better than "illegal immigration is a good thing" has. It worked for a while, but as our cities descend into chaos and our quality of life drops, we get repelled by that too. 

I suspect ordinary Britons don't read this BBC story and think those Italian fascists are racist meanies for banning bugs in food. 

Rather the opposite. 

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