The Pillars of Democrat Power Are Trump's Target

AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis, File

I never thought that I would see a Republican figure out the real pillars of Democratic Party power and attack them. Republicans have been too stupid, too scared, and too entwined in the grift to defund the nexus of political power that has led to so many of our problems. 


Trump is doing precisely that, and if he succeeds, the Democratic Party in its current form will be dead. There will be a Democratic Party of some kind, but it will look nothing like the one that exists today. 

There are plenty of ordinary Democrat voters who support the party because they believe that it represents their values. But what they are buying into is the propaganda, not the reality of the party. The Democratic Party is a money laundering operation that funds itself through tax dollars, and funds the agenda of the transnational elite. 

The real power base of the Democrats is not in the average voter who supports them but is concentrated in a few institutions that are largely funded by federal and state governments. These in turn sustain the party in good times and bad--mostly funded by your tax dollars. If you have ever wondered why Deep Blue cities keep electing corrupt and inept mayors and why billions of dollars flow into useless and harmful organizations, it is because these pillars hold them up. 

  • administrative state
  • public employee unions
  • government workers as a voting block
  • NGOs that launder government money and implement policies that could never be politically endorsed
  • The Pravda Media. which is the Deep State propaganda machine

The Democratic Party rules through the unaccountable administrative state, providing a solid electoral block (public employees) and financial base  (public employee unions and recipients of government dollars) for the Democratic Party. Grants to NGOs provide an economic foundation for liberal activist groups to the tune of billions of dollars, and the Pravda Media portrays the NGOs and projects what these organizations do as beneficial governing. 

Did you know that much of foreign aid actually goes to American consulting companies, for instance? It's usually more than what makes it to the "recipients." For that matter, USAID doesn't even DO foreign aid. It goes out to political organizations. 

Organizations like USAID launder billions of dollars, much of which flows into the pockets of these organizations, which are focused as much on domestic politics as on influencing foreign governments. USAID funds the censorship complex, for instance, in order to bolster the Pravda Media and silence dissent. It's all a big circle. 


The technocracy and the transnational elite are sustained by the money and power that flow through NGOs. It's all done in the background and has no accountability except to each other. Under Biden, for instance, USAID was run by Samantha Power, who controlled about $60 billion--a budget--about 3x the combined budgets of the FBI and CIA. Victoria Nuland ran the National Endowment for Democracy. Both are Democratic Party operatives, who use the money as the transnational elite desires. 

USAID funded the election of the Soros prosecutors, paid for the invasion of illegal aliens--quite literally funded the human trafficking operation through grants to NGOs that fed and housed them from the Darien Gap to the US border, and who manage all the programs to feed and house them in the United States--and sustains a parallel government here and in many foreign countries. Money flows into nonprofits that provide cushy jobs to Democratic activists and operatives. And so on...


Donald Trump's strategy is to cut off the flow of funds to this complex. He has cracked the code when it comes to strangling the transnational elite. Over the past week he has dropped bombs on the whole complex, and it is glorious. 

Back when I was active in Minnesota politics I saw how crucial grants to nonprofits were to sustaining the power of the Democrat party. The "problems" these nonprofits were supposedly trying to solve always got worse (think homelessness), and more money kept flowing into them. Which in turn went to support the elected officials, who funded the state agencies, who funded the NGOs, and so on. 

Tax dollars were used to fund the whole corrupt system. No Republican seemed to understand that this is where the real action is. 


As long as these organizations exist, the Deep State can never be defeated because the real power rests with the administrative state and the people who control the flow of funds. None of it is run for the public benefit. 

I could never convince the Republicans, even when they had most of the power, to cut off the flow of funds. And look at Minnesota now. 

Trump's shock and awe strategy is the biggest blow to elite power I have ever seen. If he succeeds he really will drain the swamp. 

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