Britain Needs to Be Rebooted. It Has Crashed.

Peter Byrne/PA via AP

Somebody shut the United Kingdom down, wait 30 seconds, and reboot the whole country. 

Clearly, the operating system has crashed. What we are seeing is not just GIGO--garbage in, garbage out--but a fundamental problem with how the system operates. 


Both Beege and I have written extensively about the bizarre rabbit hole the country has gone down. Rape gangs can roam the streets, Islamists march around calling for the displacement of Britons, the elimination of Christianity, the murder of Jews and other "apostates," and praise Hamas with no consequences. Yet put the wrong bumper sticker on a car, and you can get arrested and go to trial

A woman is to stand trial after pleading not guilty to displaying a threatening bumper sticker on her car.

Georgia Venables, of Prenton Place in Chester, allegedly had a sticker on her car that read: “Don’t be a cunt.”

She is accused of displaying threatening or abusive writing, or a sign or visible representation likely to cause harassment, alarm, or distress. Venables, 29, pleaded not guilty to a single charge at Chester magistrates court on Tuesday.

The prosecutor Valeriya Tonkinson told the court that Venables was seen driving on the A5480 in the west of the city on 8 January with the bumper sticker attached to her vehicle.

Venables is due to face at the same court on 29 May. She was granted unconditional bail ahead of the trial.

Literal pedophiles can walk free--their defense being that their culture doesn't recognize underage children as off limits--but any rando can claim to be frightened of a crude but unthreatening bumper sticker and upend the lives of a Brit--or at least a white Brit. 


An al-Qaeda follower can murder young Taylor Swift fans and have the Prime Minister and liberals in the media blame...the knife. They are making it absurdly difficult to buy kitchen knives in the UK--if you buy one from Amazon, you need an ID AND have to do a live video call to prove you are not planning to stab anything but your steak.

Banning the sale of zombie knives is a positive step, but schools need to intervene earlier to help tackle the UK's knife crime crisis, says Idris Elba.

The actor, 52, has spent the last year making a documentary for the BBC about solutions to knife crime, during which he met victims' families, police officers and teenage offenders.

In addition to early intervention, he told the BBC that ninja swords should be banned and even suggested domestic knives could be made less dangerous.

"Not all kitchen knives need to have a point on them, that sounds like a crazy thing to say," he adds, "but you can still cut your food without the point on your knife, which is an innovative way to look at it."

A total of 507 children were treated in English hospitals for knife injuries in the 12 months to April 2024, according to the latest figures analysed by the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF).


Because al Qaeda isn't the problem, but the knife a terrorist uses. 

Now prominent Brits--I like Idris Elbe by the way--are so focused on knives that they are suggesting that they be redesigned to make them more difficult to use, as if the knives themselves have been going on a rampage. 

Victims of crimes are harassed because they don't like being victimized. The true victims are always the people who commit the crimes. If this were only a fringe movement, it would be unsurprising--we have plenty of people here who think that way. But this is now the standard response to any situation where a minority--particularly from the Pakistani community--offends against a native British person. 

It was bad under the Conservative Party--they helped set the direction--and has gotten even worse under Labour. Labour was put into power, weirdly, as a reaction to how bad the Conservatives had become, but Britons are reacting with horror to see the predictable results. They went from the frying pan into the fire. 


Nigel Farage and the Reform Party have been gaining support because Brits are becoming desperate. What a few years ago would have sounded extreme and nativist now seems perfectly reasonable. Briton is become a safe zone for savages and a danger zone for those who oppose them. 

The only solution is a complete reboot. The current OS cannot be allowed to run wild and corrupt everything. 

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