
10 Years Ago I Would Have Opposed RFK, Jr. Today I Am Behind Him

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Pre-COVID, I would have deferred to the judgment of the "experts" on the safety and effectiveness of medicines and vaccines, at least compared to what I thought were the rantings of "conspiracy theorists" like RFK, Jr. 

I would have been wrong to do so. Too many of the "conspiracy theories" have proven to be true, and our public health establishment has proven to be untrustworthy. 

I thought I was pretty cynical back then and didn't just "trust" everything I was told by Big Pharma, the FDA, or any of the "public health" authorities. But I also thought that many of the activists on the other side were "truthers" who were just quacks. So, while I was skeptical, I generally thought the public health people were doing the best they could most of the time. 

If COVID showed us anything, it's that unaccountable bureaucracy breeds arrogance, corruption, a willingness to lie, and a growing indifference to the well-being of the people they are supposed to serve. It really doesn't matter what walk of life we are discussing, 

RFK, Jr. is going to take a sledgehammer to a bureaucracy that sorely needs to be remodeled. As with all remodels, the bones of the structure will survive--in this case, the commitment to the original missions of these agencies--but the arrangement of the rooms, the furniture, the internal structures, and the final product will be profoundly different. 

This needs to happen, and while it is true that RFK, Jr. may make mistakes along the way--who doesn't--none of them can be remotely comparable to the damage that is being done by the current structure. 

I've thought long and hard about my motives for supporting the nomination of Kennedy. Am I just being loyal to Trump and ignoring whatever misgivings I might otherwise have had? After all, if Biden had put RFK, Jr. in the same position, I would have been deeply skeptical (although I know he never would because it would drive Big Medicine nuts). So why not now?

COVID. Not just COVID, but definitely COVID. The current order is not sustainable. Under Fauci at the NIH, HHS created a killer virus that left tens of millions of people dead, lied about it, destroyed trust in our public health system, enriched Big Pharma while harming many millions more, and proved itself to be deeply corrupt.


The biggest knock on RFK, Jr. is his stance on vaccines, which while it is not "anti-Vax," it is pro-skepticism. He wants to strip vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability, and will demand much more stringent safety standards than we have now. 

Whether RFK, Jr. is right on any particular vaccine really isn't the point in my view--after all, we learned in recent years that whatever we have been told, we can't trust the public health authorities on the safety and effectiveness of any medical innovation, and that they are perfectly willing to lie, hide evidence, make questionable decisions, and even harm people for their own purposes. 

In other words, the public health establishment's credibility is not threatened by Kennedy, but by their own corruption. People have been losing faith in vaccines under the current regime, so the question is moot. The credibility is gone, and Kennedy's call for thorough safety studies is the only way to reestablish the credibility of the institutions that are supposed to tell us the truth and protect us. 

Kennedy's critique of Big Food and Big Pharma are spot on, even if some of his opinions on particular products may not prove to be true. He is not going to ban vaccines, make everybody eat organic, or impose all his opinions on the country. If you recall, it was the prior regime that imposed its horrible, misguided, and truly damaging policies on everybody, and sought to censor any dissent. 

If you truly believe that the vociferous opposition to his nomination is based solely on a deep concern for public health, look at the people who are leading the charge against him. They are all deeply in hock to the pharmaceutical companies. This doesn't make them wrong per se, but it makes their criticisms suspect. 

Kennedy is right on the big issues, and picking apart his wide-ranging opinions on various topics misses the bigger point: the current system, which people are using to bash him, is even wrong on the big issues. Criticizing him based on what the Establishment tells us is deeply flawed. He is right on the big things in way that no HHS Secretary has been in living memory, and will dismantle a deeply corrupt system--or at least try to. 

Every one of the Senators haranguing him today were in lockstep with a regime that gave us COVID and the pandemic responses that killed people, harmed kids, lied to us every step along the way, and approves drugs that do more harm than good and do nothing but enrich pharmaceutical companies. 

Do I expect RFK, Jr. to be right on everything? Obviously not. But I am less skeptical of his arguments, and more convinced than ever that the current system if fundamentally broken. 

Somebody has to fix it. Let's give RFK, Jr. a chance. 

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