When Whoopi Goldberg Is the Voice of Reason...

Photo by Colin Young-Wolff/Invision/AP

Far be it from me to claim that Whoopi Goldberg is a reasonable person. 

Reason requires connection to reality, and connection to reality and "Host of The View" are mutually exclusive terms. 


But at least Whoopi spent a few moments as a tourist in the real world, and it was so jarring to faux-Republican Ana Navarro that she nearly had a breakdown. Like a vampire exposed to sunlight, Navarro began melting down when Whoopi suggested that people calm down, ignore Trump's trolling, and enjoy the holiday season. 

Navarro had a cow. 

No! We must run around with our hair on fire! The world is ending! Some illegal aliens might not be able to rape, murder, set people on fire, or live off the dime of the taxpayers!

No, I don't believe that all illegal aliens are violent criminals, but they are all criminals, and while it is true that they will face deportation under Trump, that just means they will go back to where they belong, not be tarred, feathered, drawn, quartered, and have their body parts scattered to the four corners of the Earth. 

Goldberg’s lack of urgency to go nowhere triggered Navarro, who immediately started a shouting match and screeched about how people “need to prepare” for Trump and were “right to be in a panic.”

In addition to falsely suggesting women in the military had something to fear from a Trump administration, Navarro also invoked the iconic “winter is coming” line from HBO’s Game of Thrones to paint a dark picture of the next four years and insisted “they can’t be relaxing and enjoying Christmas”:

NAVARRO: No! Because we have the luxury of saying that because we're legal, we are successful, we are –

GOLDBERG: Listen –

NAVARRO: If you are an illegal immigrant in this country, you're not going to be not in panic! If you are a woman working for the Department of Defense, you have a right to be in a panic!

GOLDBERG: Ana, you tell people to say fraught and like this! That is not --

NAVARRO: No, I'm telling people to prepare, Whoopi! I'm telling people to prepare!

GOLDBERG: You think they aren't prepared? They are prepared. I’m saying to people –

NAVARRO: So, that means they can't be relaxing and enjoying Christmas when winter is coming!

GOLDBERG: No, it doesn’t mean that! You know what? I'm sorry.

NAVARRO: I mean, I disagree!

GOLDBERG: Winter is – Babe, winter is here! Winter has been with us!

“Yeah, but my point to you is we are in a privileged position that a lot of people are going to be under his attack are not!” Navarro shrieked. “I have a family who is going through the same thing! Ana, calm down!” Goldberg shot back.


Panic. It is the cure for what ails you in Navarro's world. 

I'm not quite sure what women who work for the Department of Defense have to worry about unless Navarro means women with testicles. Last I checked, Trump didn't kick all the women out of the military or anything like that. As for Hegseth, the position he has staked out with the Senators he has met with has been that anybody who can meet the same stringent standards required of all people will be treated equally. 

If spreading panic isn't exactly in the spirit of the season, as even Goldberg understands, it certainly is in the spirit of the modern Democratic Party. But people aren't buying what these people are selling. It is too exhausting, too unrealistic, and most of all, it is in the service of an ideology that people reject. 

Ana Navarro may want us all to be panicked because illegal aliens are no longer welcome, she will find herself lonely in today's America. 

People are a lot more afraid of that Guatemalan guy on the subway than of Donald Trump. 

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