
60 Minutes on Why Mexico Has Better Gun Policies Than the United States

AP Photo/Augusto Zurita

Well, not quite. They more or less blame the United States for all the gun crime in Mexico, and celebrate the disarming of the Mexican population. 

The funniest part of the segment is CBS' seeming celebration of the restrictions on gun purchases in Mexico compared to the United States. The implication is that Mexico's gun control laws are superior to our own and that we would be better off if we followed them here. 

And, they note, Mexico's Constitution guarantees the right to own and bear arms, but somehow, they manage to put such enormous restrictions on them that the "right" has been rendered essentially meaningless. 

Ironically, this doesn't point to Mexico's government policies being superior; it shows that Mexico's government is even more corrupt and more inclined to ignore its Constitution than our own. You may have the "right," but the government has the power to bully law-abiding citizens. 

This gets us to the other point: law-abiding citizens are the only ones who pay attention to the law, and while 60 Minutes wants you to believe that the cartels have fancy guns because the US makes them available, the reality is that people willing to break the law will get guns no matter what the law says. 

Does anybody really believe that if the United States restricted the manufacture and sale of guns, the cartels couldn't get as many as they want? Banning something with market value doesn't stop their production and sale; it just increases the profit margin for those who sell them. 

The cartels know that. They sell drugs, after all. Distributing illegal things is their business model.

This is a perfect example of midwittery. Spouting nonsense that is so obvious that only a pseudo-intellectual could take it seriously. They construct a finely tooled story that people on either end of the Bell Curve can see its absurdity, but those who are overeducated but underendowed with intelligence are wowed by it. 

They really believe it is persuasive. 

Guns aren't the problem in Mexico. Corruption is the problem. Having a conversation about laws that apply in Mexico is as useful as speculating about how we can impose air traffic control on all the pigs that are flying. 

"Should we put transponders on them?" "Should grunts be sufficient to direct them, or should we require they learn English and use the instrumentation we put on Boeing jets?"

Uh, dudes and dudettes, the laws are irrelevant to the people you have to worry about. They are better armed than the Mexican military and control vast swathes of the country. 

It's kinda hilarious to see the great constructors of The Narrative™ move so far away from reality and common sense while still seeming to believe that ordinary Americans care what they think. 

Nobody cares anymore; or rather, nobody is persuadable. People who are committed to gun control aren't being persuaded--they are already true believers. 

And the rest of us just laugh. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 24, 2025