Sunday Smiles

Grok/David Strom

My New Year's Resolution SHOULD be to give the benefit of the doubt to more liberals. After all, most of my family are moderate liberals, and I know they are inherently decent people. 


But then again, the youngest person in my immediate family is 60, so they are liberals from a different generation, and my disagreements with them have more to do with the means they choose to reach similar ends to those which we all generally agree, and a huge disagreement about what sources of information are trustworthy. 

But then I see things like this, and I switch my resolution to "I will lose weight this year."

It is A BIT unfair to attribute the lust for violence to liberals since the real problem is the rotten progressivism of the Democratic Party. Liberals' big mistake is trusting the same sources of information as progressives. Reading The New York Times and trusting CNN as news sources is the liberals' biggest crime, for which they are only half responsible. 

But they are at least half responsible. There is a laziness in reasoning if you continue to trust these sources, given how obvious the failures of the liberal media to tell the truth. If, after the "sharp as a tack" and "men can be women" gaslighting, anybody who bothers to have passion about politics should have concluded they had been lied to and reevaluate their trust. But many haven't. 

The same could be said about tolerating the rise in antisemitism or the outpouring of love for Luigi Mangione. When people on your side, up to and including Senators and media figures, embrace cold-blooded murder as a means of changing policies, you should realize you have chosen the wrong side. 


To their credit, many liberals HAVE awoken to the moral rot at the heart of progressivism, and we should embrace them, at least as fellow travelers. Many conservatives have done so, but more than a few are holding grudges--not without reason--for the past sins of liberals who have woken up to the moral horrors at the heart of progressivism. 

Perhaps there is some justice in doing so--forgiveness is hard, and justice as a goal is a good one--but in politics, the name of the game is moving the ball down the field and scoring victories. And if you want to do that--and you should, since so much is at stake--means building a coalition. And coalitions require growing majorities. 

Trump was very unfair to Ron DeSantis, Brian Kemp, and Glenn Youngkin, but all three have embraced Trump because we are all rowing in the same direction now. The goal is more important than demanding fairness. 

Our opponents are pushing evil agendas, and we should recruit anybody and everybody to defeat the real enemy. And the enemy is those who see political murder, abusing power, gaslighting, and the replacement of a free society with an unaccountable technocracy. 

Our most powerful enemy has been the Pravda Media and academia, who are on the ropes but not yet completely defeated. It is they who keep the flame of progressivism from being fully quenched, and almost anybody who helps us do so is an ally. 


We should heed the words of Lincoln's Second Inaugural, given in the midst of the most destructive war Americans have experienced:

"With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan ~ to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations."

If Lincoln could call on the nation to forgive those who started a war that killed half a million Americans, we can surely embrace liberals who have chosen to come over to the side of light and reason. Together we can destroy the true enemy of us all. 







And oldie but a goodie

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