Will the Next UK Ambassador Be Declared Persona Non Grata? Unofficially He Already Is

AP Photo/Kin Cheung

You have to hand it to Keir Starmer. No matter how awful you think he is, he can still surprise you by being even worse than you could have imagined. 

Starmer, the British Prime Minister whom NOBODY likes, perhaps including his mother, just announced his choice for Ambassador to the United States, and he managed to find the worst possible pick short of George Soros. The lucky guy, Lord Mandelson, famously called Donald Trump a white supremacist in a rant that was certainly heard at Mar-a-Lago.


If Starmer was trying to troll Donald Trump, his choice was perfect. But given that the United Kingdom needs the goodwill of the United States in a way that the United States doesn't quite need that of the UK, this was a remarkably stupid thing to do. Trolls may be fun in the moment and may even sting if you are in a position of strength, but trolling a man who enjoys both power and isn't renowned for his restraint is just plain stupid. 

Perhaps Starmer is preemptively retaliating for Trump's opposition to Britain's treaty with Mauritius that would impact the US' control of Diego Garcia, but if so, the tail is wagging the dog. What a stupid fight to pick. 


It's difficult to see how Starmer couldn't know that this pick would land with the thud and splat that rivals a skydiver hitting the ground at terminal velocity, so we have to assume that the insult was intended. 

Chris LaCivita, Trump's co-campaign manager, called Mandelson a "moron" and told him to "stay home," making him at least unofficially persona non grata. Trump, not known for subtlety, may actually make it official once he returns to office in January. 

Frankly, that would be funny as hell. A much bigger troll than anything Starmer could accomplish. 

Starmer apparently saw the success that Justin Trudeau had going toe to toe with Trump, and decided to one-up him. This was a true "hold my beer" moment, and like most such moments it is not going to end well for the daring. 


The movement to get rid of Starmer has been gaining steam in Britain for months, and he is about as popular as Herpes. The number two song in Britain is, shall we say, an unflattering one about Starmer, and this is true despite the fact that state media BBC won't play it. 

If Starmer thought he would improve his popularity by picking a fight with Donald Trump, he has misjudged the room. Britons hate Starmer and are flocking to the most Trumpist figure in the country: Nigel Farage, who famously has a great relationship with Trump and came to the US to celebrate his victory. 


The PM is even in the sights of Elon Musk, who is investing in Reform UK, pledging $100 million to shake things up in Britain. And a good investment it will be. 

For all the talk that Trump is too ego-driven, this pick shows that ego drives most politicians. The difference is that Trump isn't writing checks that his political capital can't back. 

Starmer just did. Again. 

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