NEW: Fani Got Her Fanny Kicked!

Alyssa Pointer/Pool Photo via AP

Fani Willis was kicked off the case. 

Of all the cases against Donald Trump, observers believed that the Georgia RICO case against Donald Trump presented the most peril to the president. 


As with the New York case, which is widely believed to be on track to evaporate because it is so awful that the appellate courts in New York will almost certainly toss it out, the Georgia case is in the state courts and, therefore cannot be easily dismissed through a presidential pardon. It has the potential to drag out for years, and it is remotely possible that Trump could have been convicted and imperiled by the prospect of jail time post-presidency. 

No doubt you recall the scandal that derailed this case: Nathan Wade and Fani Willis were found to have lied to the court and conducted a clandestine affair, calling into question the legitimacy of their effort to jail Donald Trump. Willis had a clear financial interest in prosecuting the case because her lover had been hired by her as outside counsel in the case--calling into question all the decisions made by Willis. 


The irony is that the entire case is tainted by political bias more than financial. Willis was determined to "get" Trump in much the same manner as Letitia James and Alvin Bragg, but as with all Trump's enemies, it is not Trump who presents the most danger to their goals, but themselves. Their determination to get Trump blinds them to everything but their goal.

Willis wanted to destroy Trump, and nothing would get in her way. The case was as personal to her as her sexual relationship with Wade, so she never acknowledged either as a problems. Both served her personal goals. Two types of lust were satisfied at the same time: the lust for power and plain ol' lust. 


But it is the moral degeneracy of the improper relationship with Wade that drove the stake through the heart of the case. It is ironic that it is her personal behavior, not the obvious political motives, that doomed this case. 

Judge McAffee didn't actually "err" in allowing Fani Willis to stay on the case, as the Georgia appeals court ruled. The ruling was clearly wrong, but McAfee knew that Fani would be disqualified by a higher court and sought to avoid the political fallout during an election cycle in which he was running. He knew he would lose his race if he didn't keep the Trump case on life support, so he punted. 


This is another symptom of how political these prosecutions of Trump were. The claim that prosecutions of controversial figures are about the law is fiction. Politics always impinge in one way or another. The Hunter Biden case's resolution was political, as was the initial attempt to immunize him through a plea deal. The lawfare against Trump was purely political--four criminal trials in one year- an election year! 

Even the civil trials were purely political--the E. Jean Carroll case was funded by billionaire Democrat Reid Hoffman, who also funded the "Trump will ban masturbating to porn" ads during the campaign. 

Theoretically, the RICO case can still move forward, but a different prosecutor has to run with it, and I would be somewhat surprised if one did because it is so tainted, and the original indictment was intended to kill Trump's campaign and that failed. 


Not to mention that the case is tainted by more than the Willis/Wade affair--collusion with the White House will soon be proven, and that will taint the indictment beyond repair. 

Still, don't count out the Democrats. There is no end to the depth of their hatred for Trump. 

On the other hand, Donald Trump seems to have an inexhaustible supply of good luck. And this time around, the country is on his side. 

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