Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is CNN

AP Photo/Rod Lamkey, Jr.

There is no doubt that Pete Hegseth has been a womanizer in his life, although from all accounts, he has straightened up and is flying right now. 

He also, in his younger days, drank more than a little and has admitted as much. Not that he was an alcoholic, but that after his tours as a soldier, he had more than one or two beers or other alcohol. 


Now that the allegations that he sexually assaulted a woman have been debunked, the latter sins of his youth are being used to attack him as a raging drunk who should be kept away from sensitive positions. 

Let's leave aside the Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris jokes and examples and focus on what is really important: that Pete Hegseth imbibed some warm beer on St Patrick's day during or after a Fox Broadcast. 

This shocking news put me on my heels, making me wonder how any person who demands to be taken seriously could be caught drinking alcohol near a television camera.

I may not be as shocked as the viewers of CNN, but I admit to growing concern given how much faith we put in our leaders and those who bring us serious news.


Nobody at CNN even comes close to alcohol when they might be caught on camera. Being on TV as a Serious Person™ is kinda like being a pilot: if you are going to be flying or bloviating, stay away from the booze. People might get killed otherwise. 

It is a hard and fast rule, kinda like staying away from the booze or the Mary Jane when doing a Serious Podcast™. What you say influences others, and being caught imbibing an intoxicant

Can you imagine somebody like Joe Rogan or Bill Maher getting high on camera? Or the guys at the Daily Wire drinking bourbon and smoking cigars on their once-a-month (sort of) Backstage show? 

It is a rule that drinking a warm beer on Saint Paddy's day is verboten. CNN will remind us of that fact if we forget, although I have yet to see Anderson Cooper verify that the rule is absolute. 


Surely it is. 

Do I want an alcoholic as the Secretary of Defense? Of course not. But the stories about Pete drinking on the job are either penny ante stuff like the Saint Patrick's day story or unsourced rumors contradicted by tons of people not afraid to go on the record. 

Without more solid evidence, this sounds like a smear job. I have never partied with Pete--I barely know him--but I have seen him in action many times, up close and personal. He has always been sharp, charismatic, and on the ball. As a ground pounder, he no doubt imbibed more than his share of crappy alcohol.

So forgive me if I don't get worked up about these accusations. They persuade me as much as the attacks on Brett Kavanaugh's partying in his youth.


CNN should stick to stories about how wonderful a man crackhead Hunter Biden is. 

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