Genius, Pure Genius. Trump Does Photo Op in Trump-Branded Garbage Truck

AP Photo/Julia Demaree Nikhinson

Donald Trump is a master persuader, as Scott Adams noted back in 2015. 

No politician has endured more wounds than Trump--a few self-inflicted and most hoaxes created to destroy him--and come out the other side stronger. 


Trump has. He is a fighter, obviously, and determined to win--and win for us as well. 

Joe Biden's slap at Trump supporters as "garbage" people was a defining moment in the campaign, just as Hillary's "deplorables" was in 2016. As a "Kinsley Gaffe"--saying aloud what you secretly think--it was clarifying in a way that all the other attacks on Trump and his supporters were not, at least not quite. 

The "Nazi" attacks left, in many people's minds, a sliver of distance between Trump voters and the bad people who support Trump (and, of course, there are bad people who support Trump, just as there are awful people who support Harris; it is the nature of coalitions). 


The "garbage" comment wiped away any pretense of liking Trump supporters while hating Trump. 

Donald Trump, as a brilliant marketer who can get people to buy tacky tennis shoes, steaks, and so-so wine, knows how to capitalize on marketing opportunities. The elite find it repulsive, while most of us find it funny or at least on-brand with a guy who puts his name on every property he can. 

That's Trump. What are you gonna do? At least he is on our side. 

As with the McDonalds stunt--and yes, it was a stunt and an effective one at that--we laugh along with The Donald as he embraces the attacks on him (and us) and turns them to his advantage. 

We laugh in joy as we did with McDonalds. The memes were glorious then, and the memes are glorious now. We experience real JOY! at the humor and good-natured ribbing that Trump directs back at the hateful attacks he endures. 


Even before Trump did his garbage truck stunt, which was hilarious, people were making memes about Trump and garbage. The memes are more devastating than any spoken criticism could possibly be. 

Yes, we are GARBAGE, and we are going to crush you elitist jerks!

It's just perfect. It encapsulates the cultural divide between those aligned with the transnational elite and ordinary Americans in a way that no rational, spoken argument can. We all know the divide and can feel it, but SEEING it is so much more powerful. 

Usually, when somebody "does the meme," it is a bad thing. It is a confirmation that some dig on you is spot on.

This time, it is still a confirmation that some dig on Trump is spot on, but we all like that Trump is with the garbage man instead of a technocratic tyrant like Ursula von der Leyen or Klaus Schwab. 


The garbage man makes my life better in innumerable ways. Those a**holes want to control what I say, what I think, what I drive, and what I eat. Screw them. 

I, too, am GARBAGE MAN! Garbage Man is sn everyday superhero. "Experts" want to jab me with poison. 

Trump has built the most unlikely coalition in modern history, and he has built it on the theory that whatever divides us is so much less important than what unites us: a love of country, faith in God and the future, and a belief in liberty. 

I don't agree with RFK Jr. all the time, or Elon Musk, or Tulsi Gabbard, or the guy who lives next to me; what I do know is that they are good, decent people who share my hope for a better America, not built on the principle that "experts" should run our lives. 


We are not the garbage coalition; we are the garbageman coalition. And I am proud of it. 

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