Voting Irregularities? There Are Reports...

AP Photo/Adam Bettcher

We are in the last week of the campaign. Two contradictory things are true: on the one hand, you can't take anything you see or hear at face value, and on the other hand, this is precisely the time when voting irregularities will undoubtedly happen. 


First things first: vote rigging, stealing, shenanigans, or whatever you want to happen are very real. For all the handwaving you encounter that there is no proof, I say two things: there is tons of evidence, and it gets swept under the rug almost always; and 2) the incentives are so high that it would be insane to believe that people DON'T try to steal elections. 

People risk a lot more to get a lot less than control over trillions of dollars of spending, regulations that make or break companies, and power that just a few decades ago would have been unimaginable. 

People rob banks for a few thousand dollars, and if they get caught, they can go to jail for years or decades. If you try to steal an election in the United States you will likely get a slap on the wrist. 

So OF COURSE people try to steal the election. We know it has happened in the past. Quit gaslighting about it. One election or another may or may not have been stolen, but the idea that people don't TRY to steal elections is silly. If people will go to jail over a few hundred or few thousand dollars, what wouldn't they risk to get control over the federal government? 

Reports are streaming in from around the country about irregularities, some of which are undoubtedly true and some may not be. I have no way of knowing, and only citizen volunteers seem interested in most of them. 


One of the issues that has gotten a lot of traction is people impersonating election officials trying to discourage people from voting early. In Pennsylvania, there are long lines for early voting, as this is the last day in that state. I started hearing about this yesterday, and there are now lots of reports out there. 

Are they true? I suspect so. In PA there have been lots of issues with fake voter registration, not just reported by citizens but by election officials and District Attorneys. Thousands of falsified applications have been turned in in batches. No doubt somebody is trying to manipulate the results. 

Pennsylvania is ground zero for the election. If Kamala Harris loses it then her path to the presidency is very slim. Of course, that gives both campaigns reason to manipulate the ballot, but I know who I place my bet on for who is doing all this. Democrats have the ground game to do it--and a billion plus dollars--while Trump does not. 


I'm not ACCUSING anyone, but this is one to watch. 

Democrats are laying the groundwork for a "Trump stole the election" campaign, although we won't know how far they will go until we see the results. If the vote totals are close, you will see a full-blown lawfare campaign led by Marc Elias to overturn the election results, which at least is legal maneuvering and not outright voter fraud. I hate it, but that is part of the game. 

(Marc Elias, by the way, was a key player in the Steele Dossier fraud. He paid for it and billed it as generic legal fees. Scumbag.)

It is striking how successful the "clean elections" fraud has been. Democrats turned on a dime, accusing Trump of having stolen the 2016 election and attacking voting machines in 2019 and 2020 until the counts came in, and the media amplified both messages. Our elections were dirty until they were clean, and everybody bought it.  I'm not sure this time they will if Kamala wins. 


Election fraud is very real. It has been caught on video. Elections have been overturned. It's just rare that it is caught because ballot security is so loose. 

Here in Minnesota we got a glimpse--just a glimpse--of how insecure the election is. If it weren't for a vigilant (Republican) noticing, this would never have come to light. 

Did anything untoward happen? Who knows? Could it have if somebody wanted it to. Obviously yes. And this is in a very prosperous area in the Twin Cities. 

So if anybody tells you that there is no opportunity for fraud, that the system is secure, or that nobody would ever tamper with ballots, go read a biography of Lyndon Johnson, or ask about big city political machines. Fraud has always been part of the American political system and always will be. The best we can do is make elections more secure. 


For some reason, the Democrats keep fighting all attempts to do so. I wonder why. 

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