
The Federal Government Is a Protection Racket

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Washington, D.C., is no longer the home of a government. It is where the federal mafia is based. 

To be clear, governments have always resembled the mafia to some extent, and mafias have always resembled governments. They are both driven by money and power, provide services to one extent or another, engage in violence, and require payment for protection. 

But Western governments evolved into something nearly unique in history, and it is that uniqueness that led to the massive economic growth and increase in well-being for citizens of these countries. Corruption, while always a problem in any system, had been systematically repressed and the rule of law (more or less) became the hallmark of liberal governments. 

No longer. 

The American government, and to a great extent all Western powers, resemble protection rackets more than the kind of governments we have come to expect over the past 250 years. 

There are countless examples of this phenomenon, but one popped up yesterday that perfectly exemplifies this trend. 

After Donald Trump's spectacularly successful campaign stop at a local McDonalds, the Democrats totally freaked out. Because they no longer understand the American public, or at least the working class, they never saw the potential of Trump's stunt to capture the imagination. To them, McDonalds is déclassé and beneath the dignity of people like them. 

That was obviously a mistake, an rather than find a similarly captivating campaign event, they went after McDonalds. First they hit the franchisee, next the company, and now they are accusing the restaurant chain of price gouging--Kamala Harris' "solution" to inflation. 

A letter, signed by Senator Pocahontas, Senator Ron Wyden, and Pennsylvania Senator and soon-to-be loser Bob Casey, was a warning shot across the bow to McDonalds.

Nice fast food company you have there. It would be a shame if you were to lose it. 

Governments don't firebomb stores as mafias do, but they, too, tax them and regulate them. A government has the power to help or harm anybody, and in recent years, the Democrats (mostly) have been threatening to use their power to destroy anybody who they are mad at. 

Think Elon Musk, who has been the target of an extraordinary lawfare campaign that will soon rival what has been done to Donald Trump. As soon as he came out as a Republican (switching his allegiances), he was suddenly persona non grata and fair game for the government's power. 

Musk may be the most important entrepreneur of the 21st century and the US government's near-exclusive provider of access to space. He may be able to almost single-handedly restore communications to disaster-struck areas, and to enable the US and other militaries to communicate much more easily and effectively, but he is a Republican. So, the government under the Biden/Harris administration has made him public enemy #1. 

George Soros gets around US law and regulations to be handed a huge chunk of radio stations by the FCC, but Elon Musk's companies are under constant threat. 

The New York Times tries to use this to show that Musk is a VERY BAD actor who is a threat, but the truth is that this is just another in a long line of examples of how government has been weaponized.

In their early years social media companies were pretty much all in on free speech, and even the censorious Twitter initially resisted efforts to silence its users. 

BOOM! Democrats started talking about expanding regulations, and suddenly the social media companies started silencing conservatives. During COVID they censored anything that didn't accord with the lies from the government, they censored any discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop, they kicked the oldest newspaper in America off of Twitter, and eventually they kicked the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES off of Twitter because the Democrats and the intelligence community wanted them to. 

Trump said this, and Twitter took it down on January 6th. It didn't fit the Narrative™.

All this happened because the US government is a protection racket. "Nice company you've got there." 

They are the mafia. 

Americans are waking up to this fact, but all too slowly. Unless you paid attention, you might never have noticed that the "norms" have changed. It comes as a shock to people when their eyes are opened. America is more like Brazil than what we were before. We are becoming Mexico and every third-world country out there. We have an elite that is doing well by doing bad things, gangs, corruption, and vote rigging. 

Americans are reluctant to believe this because this is not the country we grew up in. If the Butler assassination attempt, with all its irregularities and "failures" of the Secret Service, had happened in Mexico, everybody would at least SUSPECT that the powers-that-be wanted Trump dead. 

Here? It doesn't bear thinking about. Not in the USA!

But perhaps yes, in the USA. 

I don't know exactly what happened in Butler, but I do know that the chief investigator for the executive branch was the man in charge of the protection division of the Secret Service. I know that security was denied to Trump. I do know that the incompetence was so shocking that it beggars belief that a professional agency would have made so many mistakes. 

Nice candidate you have there. It would be a shame if he wound up in jail, was kicked off of ballots, or happened to wind up dead. 

It could be that the Secret Service really is run by the Keystone Cops. I don't know. But I do know that government is weaponized like it has never been, and that is true not because people were better, but rather that it is more powerful than ever. It can control anything, including your speech. 

It's time we quit trusting our government because our government is not trustworthy. 

It is the mafia with many more people, much more power, and much bigger guns. 

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