Public Enemy Number 2

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

We all know who "Public Enemy Number One" is, but it is now official: Elon Musk has been declared "Public Enemy Number Two" by the largest and most prestigious German magazine, Der Spiegel. 


This obviously is no surprise. Ever since Elon Musk tweeted his support for Ron DeSantis, he has been in the crosshairs of the left and the Establishment. The lawfare began almost immediately, and the campaign to demonize him ramped up. 

Then Musk bought Twitter (now X, dammit), and all hell broke loose. Musk supporting Republicans was bad enough, but Musk supporting free speech is a thousand times worse. Trump is dangerous in the mind of the transnational elite; the proles? They are not just dangerous but...icky. 

Worse, nobody has taken a shot at him. The transnational elite seems bound and determined to ensure that Trump and anybody around him is so demonized that unhinged people start taking potshots at them. And before you howl in rage at me for making such an accusation, remember that the demonization of Donald Trump has only escalated since not one but two assassins tried to take him out. 

People who accused Sarah Palin of inspiring the shooting of Gabby Giffords (horrible!) by calling a race "targeted" now feel free to talk about putting a bullet in Trump, eliminating or erasing him, and comparing him to Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini. They know what they are doing. Claiming that the Democrats and the transnational elite find it coincidental that deranged leftists are parroting their talking points as they take shots at Donald Trump is absurd. 


I wrote about the censorship push in Europe--they are quite literally threatening to bankrupt Elon Musk's companies if he doesn't censor Twitter/X. The European Union is deploying its horrendous Digital Services Act to threaten Twitter with enormous fines, and have threatened all of Elon's companies unless he censors not just Europeans but Americans. 

The UK has threatened to extradite Americans who post "hate speech," and Ireland is now talking about imposing fines amounting to 10% of a social media company's revenue if they fail to censor speech that is legal but disliked by bureaucrats. 

In a sense, the Europeans are right that Elon Musk is, if not "public enemy" number two, at least the transnational elite's second most dangerous enemy. 

Musk stands for freedom. The transnational elite is in a race with populists to see whether tyranny or freedom is our future. 

The "eat the bugs, peasants" crowd is desperately afraid of Elon Musk and Donald Trump because they are existential threats to their power. As Islamists stalk native Europeans on the streets of once-great cities and as the economies of once-great powers crumble, the elite are laser-focused on suppressing the proles. 


In the early 1990s Francis Fukuyama declared we were at "the end of history," by which he meant that the liberal bureaucratic state had won the great ideological battle against totalitarianism and that the world would settle into a mostly peaceful and prosperous future. He didn't mean that there would be no more historical events or challenges to liberal order, but that nobody serious questioned the superiority of liberal constitutionalism. 

Fukuyama is a smart guy, but he got it wrong. The totalitarians had infiltrated the cultural and government institutions in the West and were hollowing out freedom from within. The process began in the 1970s and is reaching its conclusion today. 

Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., and a few others are helping the proles fight back in a populist wave that could quite possibly sweep away the totalitarians, or at least set their plans back years. 

The transnational elite really do see Trump, Musk, and their compatriots as an existential threat, just as they say. Not a threat to democracy or the Constitutional order, of course, but a threat to their plans to remake society into a Brave New World. 


Elon Musk, for all his virtues and flaws, is probably the most important industrialist in this century. He is remaking entire industries, will make humanity multiplanetary, connect the world with universal internet, and, if allowed, single-handedly protect freedom of speech. 

That makes him "public enemy number two," as long as you believe that the only public that matters is the transnational elite. 

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