Kamala Harris Is Not Real

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Somewhere inside Kamala Harris' body is a real person. But we will never see it, judging from her public life. 

Her events are stage-managed and rely heavily on others to carry the weight of keeping people engaged. Her speeches are robotically read from teleprompters because she is so nervous (or inebriated) that she can't speak extemporaneously without spewing a word salad filled with canned lines. Her TikTok video vignettes are so fake that they make you involuntarily cringe. 


Now we learn, unsurprisingly, that even her books and Congressional testimony are cribbed from others smarter and more articulate than she is. That category includes anonymous Wikipedia editors who can string sentences together. 

It's one thing for a ghostwriter--another bit of fakery--to lazily crib the work of others. That's just another layer of falsehood on an already false bit of propaganda. But Aaron Sibarium of The Washington Free Beacon now reveals that even Harris' congressional testimony was directly cribbed from an earlier witness

Word for word. She didn't even pull a Joe Biden and embellish his own life with the details of Neil Kinnocks'. 

In a written statement to the House Judiciary Committee, she described how debt-addled prosecutors often decamp to the private sector a few years into the job, lured by the prospect of higher pay that could be used to pay off law school debt. That dynamic had left many district attorneys' offices short-staffed, she said, forcing them to put rookie attorneys on complex cases.

"There are numerous criminal cases that are particularly difficult because of the dynamics involved," Harris wrote. "To name just a few—child abuse, elder neglect, domestic violence, identity theft and public corruption. The stakes are simply too high to allow any attorney other than experienced prosecutors to handle these matters."

By repaying the loans of prosecutors and public defenders, Harris argued, the bill, which had been introduced with bipartisan support, would provide an incentive for lawyers to enter public service, or at least diminish the incentive to leave it.

The statement was simple and pragmatic. But Harris wasn’t the first person to make it.

Virtually her entire testimony about the bill was taken from that of another district attorney, Paul Logli of Winnebago County, Illinois, who had testified in support of the legislation two months earlier before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Both statements cite the same surveys, use the same language, and make the same points in the same order, with a paragraph added here or there. They even contain the same typos, such as missing punctuation or mistaken plurals. One error—a "who" that should have been a "whom"—was corrected in Harris’s transposition.



Everything Kamala Harris says is a lie or written by somebody else, and probably both. Project 2025 is not Donald Trump's agenda; Trump never endorsed Nazis and White Supremacists; Trump doesn't support a national abortion ban; Trump is not proposing a national sales tax; Amber Thurman didn't die from an abortion ban, but rather a botched abortion. 

And Kamala Harris can only repeat the words of others. Nothing about her is real except her ambition. Even the stories of others she tells are fake. 

Harris' vacuousness is not seen as a flaw by the Democratic establishment, but her best feature. Just as Joe Biden's senility was a feature. Brainless automatons are the preferred type of candidate, and Harris is actually superior to Biden because underneath it all he was still willful. 


Harris, it seems, has only a will to power divorced from any ideas. She will regurgitate the words of others and do what she is told, at least in public. 

The one glimpse we see of her personality is through the eyes of those who know her best: her aides. And they apparently can't stand her. As obsequious as she is to the shadowy Establishment above her, she is cruel to those below her by all accounts. 

But even there, the cruelty seems driven by their inability to make her seem smarter. Harris won't put in the work, so she blames others for her own flaws. 

Donald Trump's appeal is that he is real. What you see is what you get. You may or may not like what you see, but you know what he is and where he stands. Trump is a brand. 

Harris? Who knows? There is a person under that skinsuit somewhere, but I doubt we will ever see it. 

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