Democrats (Re)Embrace Election Denial

Townhall Media

Democrats post-2016 election were all in on election denial. 

Donald Trump cheated. The Russians did it. Hacking! Donald Trump is an illegitimate president! Hillary even said the election was stolen, and nearly every Democrat claimed that Trump didn't win the election. 


Prior to the 2020 elections, we heard warnings put out in stentorian tones about how voting machines could be hacked (they can, easily), and that people should be prepared for election tampering. 

Then Joe Biden was declared the winner in 2020, and challenging elections was tantamount to treason. Election "denialism" is one of the great sins of which Donald Trump and all Republicans are accused. It is a threat to democracy itself to express any doubts about the results of an election. 

It is a mystery why anybody WOULD question our elections, after all. Banning voter ID, suing to stop taking illegal aliens off the voter rolls, and fighting against hand-counting ballots is perfectly normal and understandable. Why would anybody want to impose the very same election integrity tools that almost every First-world country uses? Trust the system!

Except now that Kamala Harris is in danger of losing--all signs point to yes on that point--the specter of election tampering is being raised again by Democrats. 


You sorta expect it of Democrat flaks and politicians; they are paid liars who will use any hoax to get an advantage. Every single thing they say these days is a lie, with the exception of a few decent commentators and even politicians. But when Anne Applebaum of the venerable and now insanely anti-Trump The Atlantic starts talking about Trump rigging the election, I can't figure out whether to laugh or cry. 

Honestly, it is really deranged

This time, we are living in a much different world. The predictions of what might happen on November 5 and in the days that follow are not based on rumors. On the contrary, we can be absolutely certain that an attempt will be made to steal the 2024 election if Kamala Harris wins. Trump himself has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the results of the 2020 election. He has waffled on and evaded questions about whether he will accept the outcome in 2024. He has hired lawyers to prepare to challenge the results.

Trump also has a lot more help this time around from his own party. Strange things are happening in state legislatures: a West Virginia proposal to “not recognize an illegitimate presidential election” (which could be read as meaning not recognize the results if a Democrat wins); a last-minute push, ultimately unsuccessful, to change the way Nebraska allocates its electoral votes. Equally weird things are happening in state election boards. Georgia’s has passed a rule requiring that all ballots be hand-counted, as well as machine-counted, which, if not overturned, will introduce errors—machines are more accurate—and make the process take much longer. A number of county election boards have in recent elections tried refusing to certify votes, not least because many are now populated with actual election deniers, who believe that frustrating the will of the people is their proper role. Multiple people and groups are also seeking mass purges of the electoral rolls.


Just to be clear, Democrats challenge the results all the time, and they have many more lawyers who specialize in this. To point to having lawyers ready as an attempt to steal the election is rich. I bet Anne is quite familiar with Marc Elias and his shenanigans. He is so scummy that some Democrats have shied away from him. 

As for how Trump might steal the election post-counting, Applebaum has deployed a very vivid imagination. In fact, Democrats have already said that they WILL challenge a Trump victory in Congress, and have been pushing for many a Constitutional "reform" to remake our entire federal system. 

Kamala Harris has been an election denier, and will be one of the people certifying the election results. Will she do it if she loses? Who knows, but Applebaum doesn't care to ask. 


I can't tell whether these people believe their own BS or not. Are they just jacking up the fear, as they have ever since Trump got elected? Or are they so brainwashed that they believe this tripe? 

Applebaum lives in her East Coast liberal bubble, so I suspect she believes it. She fears that scary Christians are going to rise up and commit massacres or some such idiocy. As Venezuelan gangs roam our streets, she spends time worrying that Christian nationalists are joining militias to install Trump as Dictator-for-Life. 

It's absurd, but these fantasies have inspired not one but TWO assassination attempts on the former president. Mark Halperin is likely right that a Trump victory will create the single-largest mental health crisis in American history. We have been building up to it, and liberals already are primed. Look at how COVID deranged them. Look at gender ideology. Look at Trump Derangement Syndrome. 


The groundwork is there. Left-wing violence is already on the upswing. Imagine what might happen if Trump pulls this out, as it increasingly seems like he will. 

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