This Is Beyond Insane: Kamala's Univision Disaster

AP Photo/Matt Marton

Kamala Harris is on a "media blitz" because her numbers are slipping. Badly. 

This is about the 18th version of Kamala Harris--she "reboots" so regularly because she is no good at this campaigning thing...


I'm pretty sure her internal polls show worse numbers than that. 

The blitz is not going well at all, unfortunately for her (or Tim Walz, who just had a disastrous interview on Good Morning America). 

The latest clusterfark for Kamala was her Univision "town hall," during which she gave the same canned answers she always does, and as a result, I think you can rest assured that her poor performance with Latinos is about to get much worse. (BTW--Beege wrote a post about the same topic, clearly at the same time as me so I didn't notice. Check hers out here.)

Watch the glory of Kamala Harris on healthcare:

There is no conceivable universe in which that answer sounds reasonable to anybody. At all. The poor man's healthcare is outrageously bad--so bad that he goes to MEXICO to get the care he needs!--and her answer is that she comes from a middle-class family. The same canned response she gives about economic hardship. 

Yeah, so? He had to wait TWO YEARS to get an MRI, but at least he can glory in the fact that Kamala Harris lived in Canada with her mother a long time ago. I am sure he is quite happy to know that and will happily march to the ballot box to vote for a president who is JUST LIKE HIM!


An audience member, on another question, was caught mouthing the words Kamala would say at the same time Kamala said them. That was not because the woman (or Kamala) was using a teleprompter the audience could read, but because Kamala was reciting the script from one of her advertisements. 

Does Kamala think that Latinos are stupid? I don't know what she thinks because I cannot read minds, but she certainly ACTS like she does. She even whipped out a fake Latino accent to appeal to the audience, which I feel confident does not work. 

It's hard to get a read from comment threads because, obviously, one side or another can swamp them in an organized fashion. However, if things get incredibly one-sided you can tell if the sentiments are genuine. And if the comments on Univision's Instagram feed are any indication, a lot of viewers came out hating what they saw. 

You can go check out some of the comments yourself. Instagram has a translate function, and the comments are brutal. 


I can't tell you what the election results will be because there are so many variables, but I can confidently say that the campaign strategists in the Harris camp are absolutely panicking. How do I know this? Watch this campaign ad, which is cringy, horribly staged, ineffective, and desperate to bring men back into their camp. It is from a Harris aligned PAC:

Is there a single person with a Y chromosome who would be persuaded by that instead of repulsed? I would be surprised if any heterosexual man was involved in making it because it assumes that men don't like Harris only because they dislike female authority figures. Just as Walz is their stereotype of a masculine Midwesterner, these "men" are stereotypes utterly unrelated to how men are and think. 

Barack Obama has the same problem. He is begging black men to come back home. He is appealing to yet another stereotype. 

The Harris campaign is obviously in free fall. Not necessarily in the sense that her numbers will plummet, although they certainly could. The race is as sticky as it is because of Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is zero organic interest in Harris outside the wokest of the woke, and a larger and larger group is actively repulsed by her now. 


This suggests that swing voters will lean toward Trump, but I am done making solid predictions anymore. 

The real divide in this race is over class. The privileged classes are professionals and overeducated like the Harris "vibe," if not Harris herself. She repulses the working class, and rightly so. The issues really are secondary. 

Harris is vapid. A terrible candidate. I don't say that as a partisan but as an observer. Lots of people really do WANT to like and respect her, but few actually do. The magic is gone. "Brat Summer" is gone. The JOY!! is gone. 

What they have left is pure panic. 

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