Why Isn't THIS the Biggest Story in America?

United Nations

Imagine a scenario in which a foreign adversary whose motto is "Death to America" sends assassins to take out a presidential candidate of one party, hacks into his campaign, and shares the info with the other campaign.


Now toss in the fact that the administration being helped has been shuttling billions of dollars to that adversary, has helped fund attacks against American troops, and is funding a three-front war against our strongest ally. 

Imagine such an outlandish scenario. 

You don't have to imagine it because that is reality. The Biden/Harris administration campaign has been pouring tens of billions into Iran as it has directed over 100 attacks on American troops, funded Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, and sparked a massive war in the Middle East. 

In return, Iran is trying to kill Donald Trump, hacking his campaign and sending the files to Harris--whose campaign implausibly claims they never saw in their emails. 


After two assassination attempts against President Trump, including one where the Secret Service so spectacularly failed to do the most minimal security, you would think that the media would be all over this. Whether coordinated or not, Iran is engaged in election interference on behalf of the Harris campaign at a massive scale. It is doing so with resources provided to it by the Biden administration. 

Why is this not the biggest story in America? 

Oops, we all know why. Our entire establishment is more comfortable being allied with Iran--our most determined enemy--than with the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency. 

I have no evidence that the Biden/Harris campaign has been shoveling money to Iran as part of a quid pro quo; even I am not so cynical as to believe that our president and vice president are using Iran as a cutout in a plot to assassinate Trump. That really does seem outlandish. 

But after Russia spent a few hundred thousand dollars in obscure and incoherent Facebook ads to mess with the election in 2016, millions of dollars and unrelenting media attention were wasted on obviously ridiculous attempts to turn this into a Trump/Russia collusion scandal. It was a hoax. 


Here, we have all the dots lined up in a row, with no question at all that the current administration is funneling money to the mullahs, and Iran is using some of those funds to hunt the chief political opponent of the administration. Whatever else we know or guess, it is abundantly clear that Iran desperately wants Kamala Harris to win this election and is willing to assassinate Trump to make it happen and to hack his campaign and share the data with Harris. 

A sane media would be digging into this story, looking to see whether there are any ties between Iran and the Harris campaign. We do know that Biden's envoy to Iran was an Iranian ally and perhaps spy (he is currently under investigation with his security clearance suspended). 

If the roles were reversed, every resource in America would be deployed to investigate this and to smear Donald Trump as colluding with Iran. And, to be honest, it sure looks like collusion and even the possibility of a quid pro quo of some kind between the Biden/Harris administration and Iran. 


The media shrugs, though, just as they have downplayed TWO assassination attempts on the former president, suspicious holes in Trump's Secret Service protection, and the mysterious money flow into the Harris campaign. 

We have Iran, Germany, Ukraine, the EU, and governments around the world lining up to help Harris over the finish line, and the media treats it all as perfectly usual and even blames Trump for attempts on his own life. He is, after all, an existential threat to America and basically Hitler, so he deserves this, right?

As usual, I see the media as the biggest villain. 

Discovering a politician has sold out his country for more money and power is as common as a day ending in "Y." It's the media's job to hold them accountable and discourage the worst excesses. 

Instead, they are partners with the politicians and enablers of the worst of them. 

Which, unfortunately, is now as common as a day ending in 'Y.'

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UPDATE: I changed "campaign" to "administration." 

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