Michele Obama 'Suspicious of Those Who Take More Than They Need'

AP Photo/Erin Hooley

I can't even...

Yesterday I wrote about how shamelessness is a superpower, and I have to say that it is a wonder to behold. 

As the Democrats gather in Chicago to experience the religious ecstasy of being surrounded by each other and sniffing their own farts, they are treated to speeches from elite hypocrites who pretend to be perfectly normal people. 


Last night was the ol' HOPENCHANGE shtick, with Michele and Barack Obama babbling on about things they don't believe while Obama sycophants babble on about how their "spiritual voids" were filled by the Lightbringer. 

An emotional high point was, apparently, Michelle's speech in which she blathered on about how very normal her family was and how they were egalitarians who were suspicious of rich people. 

Obama, you see, is all about equity and inclusion, and she demonstrates that by refusing to take more than three-quarters of a million dollars per hour-long speech

It's quite the sacrifice. Almost Christ-like, if you think about it. Loaves and fishes stuff.


We keep being told that MAGA is a cult--and I have made it clear that I object when people are unwilling to listen to honest criticism and analysis of Trump's weaknesses--but the Democrats really are in a cult. For them, politics is not a grubby business in which people figure out how to accomplish limited tasks, compromise, and find ways to live together without murdering each other. 

No, it fills a spiritual void. And the politicians are the TV evangelists who fleece their flock, building megachurches and megamansions. 

And the suckers eat it up. 

As the Democrat Party has filled its ranks to the brim with spiritually vacant, mentally ill people who collapse into a ball at hearing the wrong pronoun, their leaders have become ever wealthier, more powerful, and more corrupt. 

As families collapse in the real world, Democrats are now talking about their Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates as "mom" and "dad" and find spiritual fulfillment in listening to a speech from Barack Obama. There are rituals, such as the land acknowledgment, annual holidays, such as Pride Month, and even child sacrifices outside the megachurch they created in Chicago. 


Trump is Satan, Vance is a demon, and MAGA is their spiritual nemesis. 

This is the kind of crowd that would literally drink the Kool-Aid in a jungle if their Lightbringer asked them to. 

People have been arguing that America needs a spiritual awakening to get back on track, but I fear that the spiritual awakening we are getting is this perverse new religion. 

Do others find this spectacle as repulsive as I do, or have Americans turned their back on God and replaced Him with this?

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David Strom 6:00 PM | March 28, 2025