The War Over Walz's Stolen Valor

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

One of the big questions in the Harris/Walz campaign has been how to address the stolen valor issue. 

How do they respond? How big an issue will it be? Can they wordsmith their way out of it, or will Walz's bid to become Vice President be holed below the waterline?


After more than a week of taking fire over the issue, Tim Walz has given his response to the charges, which amount to "I served honorably, so quit attacking my military service."

It's a straw man response--nobody is criticizing him for his service. Walz is being criticized for lying about it. He claimed to have a rank he didn't earn, and claimed to serve in a war he didn't--many, many times. He traded on fake valor in order to get ahead politically. 

The response may be ridiculous, but for many, it will cover their desire to give Walz a break. The desperation to defeat Trump will lead them to accept a complete BS response. And the mainstream media is absolutely desperate to carry water for Walz and Harris, so they will push a lie to help them. 


After all, they see that as their job, and they do it extremely well. 

So if this line of attack is successful, the Trump campaign and his allies will have to break through the propaganda and pound home the truth about Walz's lies. A nice tour in Italy that amounted to little more than a taxpayer-paid vacation was not service in Iraq or Afghanistan, both of which Walz has claimed or implied he served in. 

They are going to give it the old college try, or should I say the new workingmen's try to break through, and I expect that over time, the efforts will make a difference. The crazy cat ladies will ignore the truth but aren't in play anyway. 


The Stolen Valor issue is, as with most issues in this campaign, more important to men than women and most important to working-class men, to whom Walz is supposed to appeal. It won't be the winning issue, but it will undermine the image that the mainstream media is working so hard to create. 

Walz is an awful person, a radical leftist, and a liar extraordinaire. Exposing him will take a lot of work, but it is possible. He is vulnerable on many issues, and this is one of them. 

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Jazz Shaw 12:40 PM | October 07, 2024